Characters can not regain more than their maximum Action Points and no more than 4 for a single attack. Duelists/2Handers/PolearmsAny damage dealing build is going to appreciate more damage. It is also very good in Oasis/Swamp. They have it too by the way. The majority of your Dodge value is going to depend on your base INI and how fast your build generates FAT. 6AP 2Handers have better AP synergy with skills like Rotation/Footwork, but Duelists have better AP synergy with Indom. The use cases are going to point out specific weapons that particularly appreciate not losing their movement. Dragon Quest : L'Odysse du roi maudit. We can reasonably expect that Reach will be granting at least 5 defense on average (for AoE or Cleaver) which makes it a fine perk already because of how important defense is. I will also answer some of the most recurring questions coming from new players on the forums, and I will debunk common misconceptions shared among the community. Dont take Student in the early game if you are having any difficulties. In this regard, HH can be a lot more valuable than a sandboxed calculator test can show. So it is hard to actually benefit from high RDF, unless the opponent targeting behavior can be predicted and somewhat controlled. You get two chances to resist each Hexe Charm (you have to fail both checks) so each point of RES gets two chances to help you resist a Charm. It is still useful later on as well since Goblins all have high Ranged Defense (RDF) and Anticipation. Anti-Serpents: Defend against their core strategySerpents want to grab bros and pull them into bad surrounded positions. You can beat Monolith/Library with a few dead perks. Berserk is great to get more attacks per turn. At the eleventh character level, you gain an additional perk point and this perk becomes inert. If you position him off left/right to start with the buff then he is rather exposed, so he will need to be able to take care of himself when he gets jumped. If you are looking for a very quick pass on the perks then I suggest just checking out the summary section of each perk and then skimming through any sections of interest. Because single target 2Handers take little FAT and can benefit greatly from Dodge, it makes them one of the least stat demanding damage dealing builds in the game. This guide will take a close look at every single perk, explaining how they function at a basic and deep level, exploring mechanical and situational nuance, and giving tips and advice on how to best make use of each. Nimble builds can take Relentless if they want INI support, and Gifted if they just want more stats. 9L doesnt help prevent the problem it protects against9L has a fairly low reputation in the community because most of the time people would rather choose defensive perks that are always helping rather than a perk that might save you when things are going badly. A tank doing this can jump into or near the Ambushers, forcing them to waste time moving around instead of shooting. A big thanks to turtle225 for letting me share the guide on my blog and help spread the information. Polearms are the same way but backliners have less need for defense boosts so you may skip it if you want to be more aggressive. This way you will have your Spearwall online for all of turn 2 and 3 regardless of if you get breached. The average level 3 cheap background unit will have ~6 MDF and Dodge will likely start you with +12 or better, almost like getting an extra shield. Defensive 2handers: Stack a bunch of MDF perksPeople usually like being aggressive with their 2handers, but you can instead stack defensive perks since your base damage is going to be high anyway. Action Point (AP) costs for movement on all terrain is reduced by -1 to a minimum of 2 AP per tile, and Fatigue cost is reduced to half. If you need a reminder on how injury mechanics work then go back to the CS section. Both perks proc on a kill giving them the same condition for value. Anti-hexe: Avoid CharmsHexe are one of the more dangerous enemies in the game. On the flip side, you can use Relentless without using Dodge. Furthermore, an enemy dropping to Fleeing status yields a morale check on his team, and an enemy dying yields another morale check on his team, so dropping enemies to Fleeing first before killing them helps increase the panic wave spreading to their teammates. This makes Overwhelm a team support perk that is better used against bulky enemies. In that regard, the damage formula works against Steel Brow and Head Hunter, because critical hits are weaker than you might expect assuming there is a helmet to help absorb the blow. Indom does wonders for your survivability, but you should still have decent durability, MDF, and tactics to go along with it. + Saves FAT, usually worth it for this alone+ Provides additional boons of varying strength Some Masteries are more impactful to their weapon class than others Some builds dont need one. Note that single target 2Handers like 2H Mace dont gain much benefit from Relentless if you are just doing your one 12 FAT attack once per turn, but if using AoE skills, especially with Berserk, then you will accumulate FAT. + Increases SKL and DEF, the best stats+ Never a bad choice, as more SKL and DEF is always good+ Flexibility to choose stats depending on your needs Flexibility can also be a downside, as maybe you want a more specialized perk for your needs, Grants a spendable level up screen like a normal level up where you choose 3 stats, but with every stat getting a max roll without regarding stars. A good (Melee) Defense complements armor nicely. Personally I take it on everyone now and recommend it at least on some builds, but I also played the game for over two years never using it at all. Students only combat value is faster levels which means you get stat gains a little bit sooner. This is not possible without Pathfinder (unless you are Athletic). You can wait for the enemies to act, then move at the end of the turn, and then move again at the start of the next turn because of your speed, just like Adrenaline. Nimble does support Initiative builds, but by no means relies on them. Refer tothis discussionfor a more detailed analysis of 40% Nimble lines. Injuries are big a problem in the early game because you dont have reserve bros to sub in and because you really dont want to be spending your little money on Temple healing, Medical Supplies, or replacement bros. Too many injuries early on can end a campaign. Later in the game the enemy range units are going to be far more likely to be shooting your 2Handers or Duelists on the front line rather than trying to shoot into your covered back liners anyway, and if they do they face a 50% accuracy penalty from cover mechanics. 'Low HP high Fatigue' means that you level HP. Taunt is a much earlier and cheaper option if you are looking for control against these enemies. Savants will often try to warp off of your tank if you dont Taunt them to go after weaker bros. You can use this to your advantage to get the Savants warping back and forth reducing the number of attacks they deliver. An Orc Duelist needs Mastery to not be out of FAT in two or three turns. Nomads have a strong debuff ability in their sand throw. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. However, given the low Ignore% and low armor damage Shamshir is actually only similar Mace/Hammer at injury deliver while costing more FAT to Gash. + Improves highly valuable accuracy+ Helps weak to average characters contribute offensively+ Provides more help in bad situations Low return with high base hit chance Can be outclassed by Gifted/Backstabber, Returns are inversely proportional to hit chanceThe following tables show the expected hit chance gain (EHCG) from FA for a base hit chance (BHC).BHCEHCG20%13.8%30%10.9%40%8.4%50%6.4%60%4.7%70%3.2%80%2%BHCEHCG58%5% ( Backstabber)64%4% ( Gifted Ranged)72%3% ( Gifted Melee). Damage modifier stacking: The more the betterThings like Executioner/Huge/Drunkard/etc. You can avoid this with good use of Adrenaline and/or Relentless. Some builds can want multiple A Mastery isnt helping if you switch to a different weapon, FAT reductions do not round, so for every 4 FAT normally spent, you get 1 FAT subtracted FAT reduction calculates after addition/subtraction by Orc/Famed items. Immunity to Orc Young jumping Stun spam is nice too. There is nothing stopping you from using multiple or even all of these to just stack your defense as much as possible, but if you are tight on perk space then Underdog may not be your best pick here so long as you maintain formation. This means that you do still need decent RES on your team and cant just run a bunch of clown Deserters at 30 base RES and expect to get away with it just because you have a good Bannerman with Rally. Version 1. Nimble: 40/160 Brow line beats other 40% Nimble linesNimble does a wonderful job of mitigating the occasional headshot that you might take, but Brow does allow for a unique armor line to be used that takes advantage of how Nimble works. B&B can help a bro carry a backup shield or two for replacement mid battle. Armor damage taken is reduced by a percentage equal to 5% of the current total armor value of both body and head armor. Nimble frontline however can appreciate the bonus RDF as enemy range units really like targeting Nimble front liners even if they are harder to hit than Forge front liners. If a bro is dying and his only options to Rotate in his place are your archers then you have another problem. Lastly, with a good understanding of the game and how to properly position your team and formation, you often dont need Rotation at all. Earthdawn - 1st Edition- Legends of Earthdawn - Volume One - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. So if you have 80 accumulated FAT, you only lose 40 INI instead of 80. Does not reduce the INI cost of equipping armor/weapons. Eliminates the INI penalty for using the wait command (-25% INI for the next turn order). Nimble/ForgeSee discussion section for detailed thoughts on these. Characters will benefit from Bags as long as the extra given tools are being used. Having Indom can help you safely shrug off the opening hits to build up stacks. This makes it so that you actually take far less than half damage. Generally, Duelists just feel more flexible with 4AP attacks instead of 6AP attacks. If you are highly aggressive then fights can usually be won before Fatigue becomes a problem. Mastery makes Spearwall significantly better by allowing it to continue working even as you get breached. High FAT is recommended for lack of weapon specializations. Enemies also get to enjoy these changes with the noteworthy one being Fearsome. Since the backline isnt zoned, they also have the freedom to move around to wherever the Rotation is needed as well. Due to the wisdom of Nexus, we have created a Github where you can find the latest files. Negative morale is a nasty debuffFearsome helps drop morale, and every level of lost morale is -10% to global stats including RES, which makes it then easier to get further Fearsome drops. + Provides a ton of MDF, which is highly valuable+ Very strong on builds with low Fatigue generation+ Better in the early, more dangerous parts of fights Benefits slightly from INI investment, but does not require it Value drops during the fight Poor on heavy armor and/or Fatigue guzzlers Vulnerable to drop-off from various status effects that lower INI, Value depends on current INI, not starting/max INI Current INI updates in real-time as you accumulate FAT during the battle Heavier armor/weapons reduces your starting INI Using the wait command reduces INI by 25% next turn but this is only for turn order and does not factor into Dodge in any way Debuffs like Stagger/Daze/Distracted/Nets/etc. Overwhelm: You must outspeed your opponent to get valueOverwhelm needs to go fast in order to work at all and Relentless can help you maintain that speed. That would have Nimble beating out Colossus in terms of value. Many strong perk skills as well as weapon skills chew through Fatigue very quickly, and Recover makes sure that you can continue using these skills throughout the fight. Forged+zerk+Frenzy brothers are a specialty that you find once every 100-200 days (without a cheat mod). Also clears any damage over time effects and increases stats when triggered. i think nimble's problem is that it only reduce health damage - barbarian can hit you once for 200 damage and thats it, even if you take no health damage - your armor will be in shambles. Daggers attack three times per turn and both Puncture spam or Qatal Duelists can appreciate dealing a bunch of morale checks each turn. You can do these things without QH but it will be less efficient. You can combine this with other debuff skills like Stagger/Daze, or just use it on a fast Warhammer guy (as an example) who Batters down armor for other bros while applying Overwhelms. shieldbros). Those synergies aside, any non-shielded melee unit will enjoy having access to a 2 range weapon (especially in the Library) even if they primarily use a different weapon as this vastly opens up the amount influence/reach they can exert. Hitting the head with the stack will remove it and bring you back to normal chances Missing will consume the stack Stack persists through use of QH The headshot modifier is the very last thing to apply in the damage formula. The reason is that many of the existing guides are outdated in regards to the DLC, only offer brief advice on the perks, focus too much on the end game, or have information I disagree with. INIT investment and Relentless can really help this build. In BB, its a much better idea to focus fire your damage on just a few enemies at a time to quickly get kills rather than spreading damage around the enemy party. Brow and GiftedThe aforementioned discussion also analyzes the impact of Brow and Gifted on Nimble.Gifted provides an additional 3 Defense and 5 HP (Colossus) which particularly benefits Nimble. 2H Mace can particularly enjoy having Rotate in order to have more options on who you can Daze with your attack and also because by itself the 2H Mace doesnt use very much FAT which makes it easier to support Rotations cost. HH is quite bad on the 3Head even though the 3Head really wants to spam Hail constantly, because it just doesnt work for it. You can use this to almost completely avoid status effects if the timing works out. Early game: Taunt does betterTaunt can be great early on for a few reasons. One, Lash is very strong with Duelist, and judicious Lash spam will make the Flail as strong as the Mace on average with the added benefit of more head injuries. So the idea is to send your Resilient bro(s) forward and let them take the Charms. While the effect on Round Shields is fairly weak (compare to Dodge or Gifted), an early Heater Shield buy with Shield Expert and some other defensive perks can make just about any bro respectably durable. Backstabber starts adding up toward the end of the battle as the enemy team crumbles and you can more easily stack more surround bonuses. In some ways this is similar to weapon specs as far as saving FAT goes, but of course it depends on how much you move. Other mechanics A buff bubble will appear in the left side of the screen when you have a stack primed Does not stack upon itself. Backstabbers next competition is going to be other raw stat perks in general where it is less clear on how well Backstabber fairs. 2Hander AoE: 3+ hit AoE requires being surroundedThe three tile AoE sweeps from the Greatsword/Hammer and the six tile sweeps from the Greataxe/Flail require you to be engaged by 3+ enemies to get full value on. Hexe are one of the more dangerous enemies in the game and Resilient makes them significantly easier because being Charmed for 1 turn instead of 2 is a huge difference, and you can even negate the Charm entirely with good timing. Legendary locations: Its a damage raceMost of the legendary locations and large camps in the wild feature huge numbers of enemies. On flat normal terrain this isnt too noticeable but in other biomes this starts to save you a lot of FAT. Gifted/Backstabber dont fall off at high Skill levels in the same way that FA does. The Knock Back skill gains +15% chance to hit. + Effect is strong, similar to having more Defense+ Supports other teammates as well+ Better against harder to kill enemies You must out speed your opponent to apply it Discourages usage of the wait command, which is awkward If the enemy dies before attacking then Overwhelm did nothing, You must out-speed your opponent to apply Overwhelm Still applies stacks even if you miss Lowers skill by 10% per stack, which is ~6-8 skill for most enemies There is no stack cap, meaning 100% SKL loss is possible (5% minimum hit still applies) Can only apply one stack per attack action per enemy As per above, the 3H-Flail will only apply one stack per swing, not three AoE attacks can apply Overwhelm to multiple targets If a ranged attack misses and scatters to another target then both the original target and the scatter target will gain a stack Will reduce a units ability to break out of Nets as Net breaking is based on MSK. 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