i try to walk 5km as often as i can. I made notes and called my PC physician and though she ordered a battery of test, I only got a basic EKG and was told at the end of my visit that during the EKG my heart stopped twice thats why they had to do the test twice but the second test my heart did not stop. Im just tired of the whole thing, Hi hope this finds everyone doing really well I just had surgery on April 4 of this year . Chicago sang a song a very long time ago, feeling stronger every day. I have fortunately found quite a lot of useful info online. ), I had the same. I have nerve pain on my left side preferably around my armpit. When I think that the pig valves are only good for ten years on an average, I get depressed. I just finished Cardiac Rehab, and that helped me to improve physically. Were both wondering if this is it, i.e., is this as much improvement as hes going to experience, or will he get stronger? Surgery on 8th April, 2019. My aneurysm was fortunately discovered after an AFib episode, which was also new to me. I believe it just takes lots of time. I plan to go this week. I was lifting weights again at eight months. I am now concerned about his mood he seems very irritable, frustrated and angry almost and he is desperate to come home. I tried melatonin, but it seems to aggregate my light headed and dizziness. Jan 3, 2012. Wow, everyone, thanks for sharing! 5 months later and Im suffering from a bit of depression and pain in my right upper arm and shoulder. I have a hard time sleeping. Appetite is good but I need to lose weight. Have others experienced similar issues. He ordered an Echo, EKG. To keep your spirits up: Get dressed every . I dont take any other blood thinners other than aspirin but will examine that next. I am diabetic which doesnt help. Also had nausea and loss of appetite. I hope this one goes away. Normally heart surgery is done by performing a vertical incision from just below the collar bone, to just below the breast. Seperated Sternum . Can anyone tell me about the pai, I'm a young woman that needs to have mitral valve surgery. Sean, Greensboro, North Carolina, MY RESPONSE TO SEAN ABOUT NERVE DAMAGE FOLLOWING HEART SURGERY. Dr. Mustafa Ahmed says . Hey all. Hello Ramesh. My doctors indicate that Im suffering from nerve pain. Some days are great and some really scare me with the exhaustion and dizziness. Hi. We meet three inspiring women who wear their scars with pride, and explain advances in minimising scars. The cardiologist says my heart is fine. Even my fatty liver condition has reversed. Its been close to a month since I had quintuple bypass surgery (Nov 18, 2019). Midterm followup occurred between 13 and 21 months after surgery. This is used to guide a small needle to inject fluid around the nerve to break up the scar tissue. Stay safe and Stay well. Methods: A total of 37 consecutive patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery (all with left internal thoracic artery graft) who were attending a cardiac-related exercise program underwent a thorough examination. My cholesterol has dropped 132 points (LDL dropped 50%), my blood pressure is averaging 120/80 to 119/74 Corona Virus interfered with my doctors appointments, my cardiac rehab, my birthday, Christmas, New Years, my great granddaughters birthdays, my daughters birthday and so many other events, but Corona Virus nor the heart attack /bypass interfered with my faith and my determination to live, laugh and love. I appreciate he has been through a major ordeal, both physically and mentally, and it is so unfortunate that it has happened bang in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis when life is in a turmoil for everyone. Always exercised and never drank a lot. Asks Alice. Understanding the "pins and needles" feeling. But I am so, Roy says, "I have not been on this site for very"Read more, Search 1,500 patient-recommended surgeons. If the dizzy spells are fairly common I can live with that but I would like to hear from others if they have had similar experiences after surgery. I started running again after six weeks and regained my lost muscle mass in four months. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. I do feel tired and weak. Normal? My leg pain and swelling continued through October and up until December 20 when I was washing dishes and suddenly felt chest pain and exhaustion (the exhaustion was included in my initial complaint in May 2019). Heat and sun in sw florida is a killer. However, many times scarring in or around the nerve prevents regrowth (11). BUT had to remember its only been 2 full days since he had open heart surgerygotta give the man a breakthats what I keep telling myself, I wish I could be with him just knowing that he is safe there and its good that no visitors can go there because they wont be able to bring covid19 in and get him sick. Working full time in construction although not quite as productive as before. I am six months 12 days out. Not yet cleared from rehab, not back at work because Im unable to stand longer than an hourI used to do 10 hour shifts on my feet before You got to hang in there & make it back. Listen to your body. I am at present on rather a lot of tablets as well. Dr. Creighton Wright answered. Hold them down in front of you. I did use readers for reading but not very strong. So it makes sense that you may feel numbness and tingling afterward. Although when I left I was still short of breath and in a lot of pain it was far nicer to mend on my own sofa. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. when i finally fall asleep i would gasp for breath so fear got into me when is wanted to sleep. Vince, Im sorry you have been going through this since you are 7. Thanks Nicky. Breathingchest hurts. I had my cabg quad on June 11 2018 and today its Oct 7, went back to work as auto tech Sept 4 and so far havent had any serious problems. I had my aortic valve replaced exactly 4 months ago today and have some questions and concerns to see if I am the only one. Advantage is that you dont need to take Blood thinners daily. All seems better but the dizzy spells are troublesome. (Ok, well hows about a 5 Mile hike in Banff instead..lol). T am two months after quadruple bypass and pacemaker. So when I met her she was wearing a special brace to walk and had significant numbness and severe pain down the leg. Sleep is still somewhat of an issue, because of rib and shoulder discomfort. Doctors told me I should have died months ago. Fortunately did not have to be hospitalized. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Taylor & Francis. So the not so good. Please share the advice to me if it is normally to feel that tired after surgery for 2 months already? I know the most hellish experiences are behind me and at least I sleep well but the fatigue is overwhelming and the continual pains & aches are horrendous. I am on my sixth week of recovery and experiencing sharp pains on left side of chest along with the numbness it is much to handle Doctor said it is nerve pains and it will get better! This blog does not offer advice, in any way, to anyone suffering from this disease. It's time to seek medical attention if they don't or if other symptoms appear. In this blog I will follow my everyday journey of living with familial hypercholesterolemia (or FH). I started working from home from April first week (Couple of short online conf calls) Then from May I stated going to office from Morning until 3 PM. Incidence and risk factors for postoperative lingual neuropraxia following airway instrumentation: A retrospective matched case-control study, ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine, Postoperative numbness: a survey of patients after hip arthroscopic surgery, Nerve injuries associated with gynaecological surgery, Nerve injuries and treatment in facial cosmetic surgery, Acute loss of bladder control in a stroke of the frontal cortex, Transient delayed facial nerve palsy after inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia, Surgically induced neuropathic pain: understanding the perioperative process, See or feel your face drooping, especially on one side, Feel severe numbness below your incision site after back or spine surgery. my vision is not good and at time i get scared thinking i am getting blind. All the best, Mike, Great place to come to and read all everyones journey. Did it ever return to normal? I am scheduled for Open Heart Surgery on 4/13. I'm a mother and housewife. I have forgot how it could effect others. It was a long recovery.. Had 7 bypass surgery on may 7, 2019. Home health nurse draws my INR 2x/wk and calls into Coumadin clinic. Hihow is now the author of the blog?is she now in great condition?how are you now? Has any one had a pain in the left breast? It's also called a cardiac event recorder. Hi everybodynice to read your stories of recoveryI am 56 y/o from Philippinesgoing 6 months after single vessel open heart bypass surgery using left internal mammary arteryfeeling better and stronger day by daysometimes feel back and shoulder pain and fatiguesometimes feel discomfort from chest incision when stretchinggenerally I feel great..stop smoking and trying hard to eat healthy foods more on veggies and fish..less fat and saltfruit once a dayregular exercise like walking and jogging at least 2.5 hrs a week or 3-4 days a week.always give thanks to the lord for a new lease of lifehow are you there?specially those who are now on 3 years or more from recovery?pls share againhave a nice day to all. Amongst other things, like leg pain, rib pain, chest pain, I too am very tired. I said lets do surgery and replace the valve! I go to work i serve customers and talk to them i get out of breath doing that. They say it takes a year. If you feel queasy or haven't moved your bowels, it's only natural that you may not be in the mood to eat or drink. surgery 58 years experience. Early this year I got an internal infection from the flu which resulted in secondary MRSA and Sepsis infections. Or will I get by with a good recovery ??? I would remain in the CICU for 3 weeks and when discharged I still felt like I needed a few more days to recover and gain some strength, but I too wanted to go home, I just didnt know how hard being on my own would be. It never goes away; it becomes difficult to put on my shirt and my socks. I am 76 but had a very active lifestyle pre op and I am hoping I can get back to normality in due course. Severe depression. ASD primum. None of this at all related to the original accident. This is normal and most chest tubes are temporarypain typically improves after the tube is removed. I still have a cough which is annoying, Don It will get better-really you have to be patient-which Im not and give it 12 months, that is what Im told every day, Im at the 5 month stage since surgery and feel so much better- yes I still get tired and cant get back to being the super woman I believed I was -but it will happen. Body aches all over. What other choice do we have. I am lifting 30 plus pounds, but not over doing it. An added note: My surgeon scheduled a double by-pass, only did a single, did not use vein from my leg, but used the one from my chest, and re-scheduled my, sugery 3 times because he was so busy. One of the biggest issues we see after surgery is scarring around the nerves (1). Currently, I still feel tired (sometimes almost faint) and I still feel pain while traveling especially the cut under my breast. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today me and my wife are now totally free from the virus, I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there,please sir keep your good work cause there are many out there who is in need of your healing medicine. Some people feel very tired and exhausted most, or all of the time. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I treated the entire length of the nerve, starting in the low back using fluoroscopy guidance, then turning to ultrasound-guided injections to treat the sciatic nerve down to the tibial and peroneal branches in the leg and foot. If so, would you please leave a comment for Sean detailing your situation and how/if you fixed it? Hi, my name is Diane B and I had a Stemi-MI Dec. 2, 2019 and required a CABG on Dec. 4, 2019. As my chest bone heals I can feel it tightening up. (it was 100 degrees outside). at home I called my surgeon and was told they had no. I hope you continue to recover well. I am just barely past 5 months from my OHS of triple bypass at the age of 57. Nice of em, huh?! Ive never smoked, never been overweight, eat healthfully, have low cholesterol, and drink in moderation. This is known as neurapraxia. BP controlled by medication (carvidilol) and taking savaysa for thinning my blood. Hi, It will be exactly 3 months old on 20th June 2019 after my Surgery. Another reported after 4 years the dizzy spells stopped. However, my pain doesn't seem to be from the rib as much as IN my breast. I also just finished my heart Valve replacement last 2 months. If you constrict one area, less water comes out. I have tried various remedies with no improvement. Grateful Im still waking up on the green side of the grass and buoyed by the Stories Ive read here. Women's Heart Disease Support Group and Discussion Community, I am 8 months post-op. The most popular is to take small hand weights about 1 or 2 lbs in each hand. The pump was to help rest my heart and waited 2 days for the CBAG. It was Aortic Valve aneurysm and also Aortic Valve replacement. The first steps were the hardest I ever took in my life. ??. Im a 62 year old male 5 weeks post quad bypass. Liked your advice & staying positive. Can Tingling in the Hands and Feet Be a Symptom of Diabetes? I think I need some rehab, Physio, massage, chiro. When I was going through my early recovery from an aortic valve replacement operation, I too had some numbness in my hands and feet especially at night. I would like to hear and communicate with others who are going/have gone through the same or similar thing. I am not gaining weight but definately feel like the band is tighter. After coming home from hospital I didnt need pain pills. Medications that are commonly used to treat nerve damage after surgery include. I just received a concerned email from Sean about nerve damage after heart surgery. Thanks for sharing. Best thing is to exercise a little bit by walking at least a mile a day for at least 5 days a week. Cost of Carafate extreme even with my ins. Im glad to be alive. I had ohs valve replacement June 1. I dont have any breathing or heart pain, thank goodness, but my incision on my chest still burns a lot, especially the very bottom and very top of the incision. Following winds to all of you!! Not sure if the medications are causing a lot of probs or maybe the crystals in the ears have been disturbed causing the dizzyness as they rotate the body to get the airbubbles out of the heart when they reflush it. Cant remember, cant think, cant sleep, cant drive a car. It took forever for my boob to get feeling and it finally didI remember when I was having gallbladder issues and I am such very hard stick for iv's I tend to be a picc line girl when I have to have surgery or serious stuff lately anyway because my boob was still numb I allowed them to try to get an iv in my boob but alas it didn't work and she was saying how sorry she was and all that and I just looked at her and said really its numb I can't feel it:-). If I push through some pain and walk a little more or do little extra physical activity, acute chest pain and SOB return and last for 2-3 days before leveling off. There is a Graft (Tube like) in my Aorta and also St.Judes valve replaced. I had the gut feeling that it was my heart, but doctors insisted that it couldnt be. Take the surgery, prepare for six months rest and rehab and enjoy the next 15 years or more of your life. I started having heart problems in my mid 40s. Now on apixaban and metoprolol to try to get the pulse under control not doing a very good job at it though. . I went to a hospital 3times, walk-in center twice and an orthopedic dr and they all said same thing cause my EKG came out fine as well as my heart monitoring and BP was all normal. Email from Sean about nerve damage FOLLOWING heart surgery me i should have died ago... On the green side of the grass and buoyed by the Stories ive read here valve..., massage, chiro am not gaining weight but definately feel like the band is breast numbness after open heart surgery with... Mass in four months valves are only good for ten years on an average, i still feel while. It makes sense that you dont need to lose weight lifestyle pre op and i am 76 had. My doctors indicate that Im suffering from this disease and breast numbness after open heart surgery and enjoy the next years! 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