Header Bill Date is before the Header From Date Of Service(DOS). The National Drug Code (NDC) submitted with this HCPCS code is CMS terminated or not covered by the program. Other Commercial Insurance Response not received within 120 days for provider based bill. Supplemental Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) Due to an Interim Rate Settlement. Department of Health Services (DHS) Authorized Payment Is Being Withheld Due toan Interim Rate Settlement. Claim Denied. Referring Provider ID is invalid. Transplant Procedures Must Be Submitted Under The Appropriate Provider Suffix for Prior Authorization Requests And The Billing Claim To Obtain The Exceptional Rate per Discharge. Use The ICN which Is In An Allowed Or Paid Status When Filing An Adjustment/ReconsiderationRequest. This Is Not A Good Faith Claim. Non-preferred Drug Is Being Dispensed. It breaks down the information like this: The services we provided. Changes/corrections Were Made To Your Claim Per Dental Processing Guidelines. If Required Information Is not received within 60 days, the claim detail will be denied. Claim Denied For No Provider Agreement On File Or Not Certified For Date Of Service(DOS). Home Health services for CORE plan members are covered only following an inpatient hospital stay. This National Drug Code Has Diagnosis Restrictions. Endurance Activities Do Not Require The Skills Of A Therapist. The first occurrence span from Date Of Service(DOS) is after the to Date Of Service(DOS). Ancillary Codes Dates Of Service And/or Quantity Billed Do Not Match Level Of Care authorized Dates. One or more Other Procedure Codes in position six through 24 are invalid. One or more To Date(s) of Service is missing for Occurrence Span Codes in positions three through 24. Bundle discount! This Member Has A Current Approved Authorization For Intensive AODA OutpatientServices. The statement coverage FROM date on a hemodialysis ESRD claim (revenue code 0821, 0880, or 0881) was greater than the hemodialysis termination date in the provider file. This limitation may only exceeded for x-rays when an emergency is indicated. 99201 through 99205: Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, with the CPT code differing depending on how long the provider spends with the patient. The Duration Of Treatment Sessions Exceed Current Guidelines. Second modifier code is invalid for Date Of Service(DOS) (DOS). The Maximum Prior Authorized Service Limitation Or Frequency Allowance Has Been Exceeded. Learn more about Ezoic here. The Member Has At Least 4 Posterior Teeth, Including Bicuspids On Each Side, which Can Be Used For Chewing. Charges For Additional Days Of Stay Or Final Payment Must Be Submitted As An Adjustment. This Payment Is To Satisfy The Amount Owed For OBRA Level 1. The National Drug Code (NDC) is not payable for a Family Planning Waiver member. Department of Health Services (DHS) Authorized Payment Is Being Withheld Due toa Department Of Justice Settlement. Services Can Only Be Authorized Through One Year From The Prescription Date. -OR- The claim contains value code 49but does not contain revenue code 0636 and HCPCS Q4054. Billing Provider Type and/or Specialty is not allowable for the service billed. Modifier V8 or V9 must be sumbitted with revenue code 0821, 0831, 0841, or 0851. The Procedure Code/Modifier combination is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). Claim Is Pended For 60 Days. Continuous home care and routine home care may not be billed for the same member on the same Date Of Service(DOS). Quantity indicated for this service exceeds the maximum quantity limit established. Therapy Prior Authorization Requests Expire At The End Of A Calendar Month. Timely Filing Deadline Exceeded. Service Must Be Billed On Drug Claim Form Utilizing NDC Codes. TPA Certification Required For Reimbursement For This Procedure. Other Insurance Disclaimer Code Submitted Is Inappropriate For Private HMO Or HMP Coverage. Diagnosis Code submitted does not indicate medical necessity or is not appropriate for service billed. This Claim HasBeen Manually Priced Using The Medicare Coinsurance, Deductible, And Psyche RedUction Amounts As Basis For Reimbursement. 10. This National Drug Code is not covered under the Core Plan or Basic Plan for the diagnosis submitted. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Diagnosis Code in posistion 10 through 24. Research Has Determined That The Member Does Not Qualify For Retroactive Eligibility According To Hfs 106.03(3)(b) Of The Wisconsin Administrative Code. First Other Surgical Code Date is invalid. Backdating Allowed Only In Cases Of Retroactive Member/provider Eligibility. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Third Diagnosis Code. The initial rental of a negative pressure wound therapy pump is limited to 90 days; member lifetime. Pricing Adjustment/ Usual & Customary Charge (UCC) rate pricing applied. Denied. WI Can Not Issue A NAT Payment Without A Valid Hire Date. Personal care subsequent and/or follow up visits limited to seven per Date Of Service(DOS) per member. Prescriber Number Supplied Is Not On Current Provider File. The Members Gait Is Not Functional And Cannot Be Carried Over To Nursing. This Service Is Covered Only In Emergency Situations. The Service Requested Is Not A Covered Benefit As Determined By . 606 Primary Carrier EOB Required or proof of termination of Primary carrier 835:CO*22 607 Not A Covered Benefit 835:CO*204 . Incidental modifier was added to the secondary procedure code. The Pharmaceutical Care Code (PCC) does not have a rate on file for the Date Of Service(DOS). Pricing Adjustment/ The submitted charge exceeds the allowed charge. Three Or More Different Individual Chemistry Tests Performed Per Member/Provider/Date Of Service Must Be Billed As A Panel. This National Drug Code (NDC) has been terminated by CMS for the Date Of Service(DOS). Home Health Services In Excess Of 60 Visits Per Calendar Month Per Member Required Prior Authorization. Payment Reflects Allowed Services In Accordance With Pre And Post Operative Guidelines. Service paid in accordance with program requirements. Permanent Tooth Restoration/sealant, Limited To Once Every 3 Years Unless Narrative Documents Medical Necessity. The Date Of The Screening Request Or The Date Of Screening Is Invalid Or Missing. Number Is Missing Or Incorrect. 14 other insurance indicator missing/invalid 15 payment reduced to spenddown amount 16 your claim was reviewed by dhs. Claim or Adjustment received beyond 730-day filing deadline. Policy override must be granted by the Drug Authorizationand Policy Override Center to dispense early. Please Rebill Inpatient Dialysis Only. Claim Not Payable With Multiple Referral Codes For Same Screening Test. Correction Made Per Medical Consultant Review. The Service Requested Is Inappropriate For The Members Diagnosis. Medication checks by a Psychiatrist and/or Registered Nurse are limited to four services per calendar month. Consent Form Is Missing, Incomplete, Or Contains Invalid Information. Procedure Code and modifiers billed must match approved PA. Please Provide The Type Of Drug Or Method Used To Stop Labor. An Explanation of Benefits, often referred to as an EOB, is a document that describes what costs a health insurance plan will cover for incurred healthcare and related expenses. The Medical Necessity For The Hours Requested Is Not Supported By The Information Submitted In The Personal Care Assessment Tool. Number On Claim Does Not Match Number On Prior Authorization Request. Documentation Does Not Justify Reconsideration For Payment. Services have been determined by DHCAA to be non-emergency. Reading your EOB may help you better understand your short term health insurance or major medical insurance benefits. Nursing Home Visits Limited To One Per Calendar Month Per Provider. Explanation of Benefits (EOB) An EOB is a statement from the health insurance company that describes what costs they will cover. Traditional dispensing fee may be allowed. Seventh Occurrence Code Date is required. DME rental beyond the initial 60 day period is not payable without prior authorization. Use The New Prior Authorization Number When Submitting Billing Claim. Does not meet hearing aid performance check requirement of 45 post dispensing days. Please Indicate Charge And/or Referral Code For Test W7001 When Billing For Test W7006. Out-of-State non-emergency services require Prior Authorization. Remark Code Description: additional explanation of the Remark or Discount Code will appear in this section. Member File Indicates Part B Coverage Please Resubmit Indicating Value Code 81and The Part B Payable Charges. If required information is not received within 60 days, the claim will be. Please Request A Corrected EOMB Through The Medicare Carrier And Adjust With The Corrected EOMB. The Clinical Profile, Narrative History, And Treatment History Indicate The Recipient Is Only Eligible For Maintenance Hours. PIP is a coverage in which the auto insurance company pays, within the specified limits, the medical, hospital and funeral expenses of the insured person, people in the insured vehicle and pedestrians struck by the insured vehicle. Req For Acute Episode Is Denied. The Surgical Procedure Code is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). Benefit Payment Determined By DHS Medical Consultant Review. How will I receive my remittance advice, explanation of benefits (EOB) and payment? Header Billing Provider used as Detail Performing Provider, Header Performing Provider used as Detail Performing Provider. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Second Diagnosis Code. Two Informational Modifiers Required When Billing This Procedure Code. Denture Repair And/or Recement Bridge Must Be Submitted On A Paper Claim With ADescription Of Service And Documentation Of A Healthcheck Screen Attached. Please Correct And Resubmit. Denied. Refer To Dental HandbookOn Billing Emergency Procedures. Do Not Bill Intraoral Complete Series Components Separately. Please submit future claims with the appropriate NPI, taxonomy and/or Zip +4 Code. Please Bill Medicare First. Pricing Adjustment/ Provider Level of Care (LOC) pricing applied. An Explanation of Benefits from Anthem Blue Cross, retrieved online. Multiple Service Location Found For the Billing Provider NPI. The National Drug Code (NDC) was reimbursed at a generic rate. The Non-contracted Frame Is Not Medically Justified. Revenue Code 0001 Can Only Be Indicated Once. Service not allowed, billed within the non-covered occurrence code date span. DX Of Aphakia Is Required For Payment Of This Service. Phone number. This Procedure Is Denied Per Medical Consultant Review. The Request Can Only Be Backdated Up To 5 Working Days Prior To The Date Eds Receives The Request In Eds Mailroom If Adequate Justification Is Provided. The Requested Procedure Is Cosmetic In Nature, Therefore Not Covered By . (Complete Guide), CO 109 Denial Code Description and Solution, OA 18 Denial Code|Duplicate Claim Denial Code, CO-29 Denial Code|Timely Filing Limit Expired Full Explanation, CO 50 Denial Code|Not Deemed A Medically Necessary Procedure, CO 97 Denial Code|Bundled Denial in Medical Billing, PR 31 denial Code|Patient Cant be identify Our insured, PR 96 Denial Code|Non-Covered Charges Denial Code, PR 204 Denial Code|Not Covered under Patient Current Benefit Plan, CO 4 Denial Code|Procedure code is inconsistent with the Modifier used, CO 5 Denial Code|Procedure in Inconsistent with POS, CO 8 Denial Code|Procedure code is inconsistent with the provider type, co197 Denial Code|Description And Denial Handling, PR 27 Denial Code|Description And Denial Handling, CO 23 denial code|Description And Denial Handling, CO 24 Denial Code|Description And Denial Handling, Blue Cross Blue Shield Denial Codes|Commercial Ins Denial Codes(2023), EOB Codes List|Explanation of Benefit Reason Codes (2023), Denial Code PR 119 | Maximum Benefit Met Denial (2023), ICD 10 Code for Secondary Cardiomyopathy (2023), AAPC: What it is and why it matters in the Healthcare (2023). Amount Recouped For Duplicate Payment on a Previous Claim. Service not covered as determined by a medical consultant. The Revenue Code is not payable for the Date(s) of Service. BMN prior authorization may be submitted for Mental Health drugs for which a Core Plan transitioned member has been previously grandfathered. Your 1099 Liability Has Been Credited. Secondary Diagnosis Code(s) in positions 2-9 cannot duplicate the Primary Discharge Diagnosis. The itemized bill will include the facility, date of services, diagnosis code, procedure code, provider tax ID and total charge of the services. Claim Denied For Invalid Billing Type Frequency Code, Claim Type, Or SubmittedAdjustment Provider Number Does Not Match Original Claims Provider Number. Either The Date Was Not In MM/DD/CCYY Format Or Its AFuture Date. Resubmit Claim With Copyof A Temporary ID Card, EVS Printed Response Or Indicate The AVR Transaction Log Number. RN Supervisory Visits Are Reimbursable Three Times Per Calendar Month. The Medical Need For This Service Is Not Supported By The Submitted Documentation. Level And/or Intensity Of Requested Service(s) Is Incompatible With Medical Need As Defined In Care Plan. Denied. This service is duplicative of service provided by another provider for the same Date(s) of Service. The revenue accomodation billing code on the claim does not match the revenue accomodation billing code on the member file or does not match for these dates of service. No Action On Your Part Required. Please Refer To The Original R&S. Time Spent In AODA Day Treatment By Affected Family Members Is Not Covered. NULL CO 16, A1 MA66 044 Denied. This Members Functional Assessment Scores Place This Member Outside Of Eligibility For Day Treatment. These Services Paid In Same Group on a Previous Claim. Prospective DUR denial on original claim can not be overridden. Prior to August 1, 2020, edits will be applied after pricing is calculated. Denied. Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy Or Speech Therapy Limited To 90 Min PerDay. This Is A Duplicate Request. The Dispense As Written (Daw) Indicator Is Not Allowed For The National Drug Code. The HCPCS procedure code listed for revenue code 0624 is either invalid or non-reimburseable. Health plan member's ID and group number. Detail Denied. Online EOB Statements Personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Pharmaceutical Care Code must be billed with a payable drug detail or if a prescription was not filled, the quantity dispensed must be zero. The EOB is different from a bill. Pricing Adjustment/ SeniorCare claim cutback because of Patient Liability and/or other insurace paid amounts. Questionable Long-term Prognosis Due To Poor Oral Hygiene. HMO Capitation Claim Greater Than 120 Days. Prior Authorization is required to exceed this limit. Third Diagnosis Code (dx) (dx) is not on file. Claim Is Being Reprocessed On Your Behalf, No Action On Your Part Required. When the insurance company gets the claim, they will evaluate the claim, create an Explanation of Benefits (sometimes referred to as an EOB) and send it to you in the mail. This Payment Is To Satisfy Amount Owed For A Drug Rebate Prior Quarter Correction. Subsequent surgical procedures are reimbursed at reduced rate. This Member Is Involved In Effective And Appropriate Service Elsewhere, Therefore Is Not Eligible For Further Psychotherapy Services. AODA Day Treatment Is Not A Covered Service For Members Who Are Residents Of Nursing Homes or Who Are Hospital Inpatients. The DHS Has Determined This Surgical Procedure Is Not A Bilateral Procedure. Performing Provider Is Not Certified For Date(s) Of Service On Claim/detail. Diagnosis Treatment Indicator is invalid. Routine foot care Diagnoses must be billed with valid routine foot care Procedure Codes. The Timeframe Between Certification, Test, Date And Hire Date Exceeds A Year. The Primary Occurrence Code Date is invalid. Combine Like Details And Resubmit. The Clinical Profile/Diagnosis Makes This Member Ineligible For AODA Services. 107 Processed according to contract/plan provisions. The Submission Clarification Code is missing or invalid. Denied due to Services Billed On Wrong Claim Form. Requires A Unique Modifier. Claim Is Pended For 60 Days. Area of the Oral Cavity is required for Procedure Code. MECOSH0086COEOB (Progressive J add-on) cannot include . Drug(s) Billed Are Not Refillable. Claim Denied Due To Absence Of Prescribing Physicians Name And/or An Indication Of Wheelchair/Rx on File. Enhanced payment for providing services in a natural environment is limited toone service per discipline per day. Repackaging Allowance for this National Drug Code (NDC) is not reimbursable. Please Indicate One Prior Authorization Number Per Claim. Services billed are included in the nursing home rate structure. Denied as duplicate claim. This Dental Service Limited To Once Every Six Months, Unless Prior Authorized. Header Billing Provider certification is cancelled for the Date Of Service(DOS). No Complete Program Enrollment Form Is On File For This Client Or The Client Is Not Eligible For The Date Of Service(DOS) On The Clai im. Orthosis additions is limited to two per Orthosis within the two year life expectancy of the item without Prior Authorization. CNAs Eligibility For Training Reimbursement Has Expired. Occurrence Code is required when an Occurrence Date is present. Reimbursement limit for all adjunctive emergency services is exceeded. Reimbursement Is At The Unilateral Rate. Benefits may not be combined with any discount, promotional offering, or other group benefit plans. Reimbursement For This Service Has Been Approved. Member enrolled in Medicare Part D for the Dispense Date Of Service(DOS). Multiple Unloaded Trips for same day, same member, require unique Trip Modifiers. Purchase of additional DME/DMS item exceeding life expectancy rRequires Prior Authorization. The Procedure(s) Requested Are Not Medical In Nature. Dollar Amount Of Claim Was Adjusted To Correct Mathematical Error. Approved. The EOB breaks down: The Requested Transplant Is Not Covered By . Our Records Indicate This Provider Is Not Certified For AODA Day Treatment. Prior Authorization Number Changed To Permit Appropriate Claims Processing. Dispense Date Of Service(DOS) exceeds Prescription Date by more than one year. NDC- National Drug Code is restricted by member age. Verify billed amount and quantity billed. Please submit claim to BadgerRX Gold. eob eob_message 1 provider type inconsistent with claim type . VA classifies all processed claims as accepted, denied, or rejected. Cannot bill for both Assay of Lab and other handling/conveyance of specimen. A valid Prior Authorization is required. Consistent With Documented Medical Need, The Number Of Services Requested HaveBeen Reduced. Procedure Code is not payable for SeniorCare participants. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the First Diagnosis Code. This service is not covered under the ESRD benefit. Resubmit Using Valid Rn/lpn Procedure Codes And A Valid PA Number. Has Manually Split The Dates Of Service To Reflect 2 Fiscal Years/Reimbursement Rates. A traditional dispensing fee may be allowed for this claim. Home care ongoing assessments are allowed once every sixty days per member.nt, But Arepayable Every Fifty-fourth Day For Flexibility In Scheduling. Hospital discharge must be within 30 days of from Date Of Service(DOS). Claim Denied. BILLING PROVIDER ID NUMBER MISSING: 0202; BILLING PROVIDER ID IN INVALID FORMAT . No Action On Your Part Required. Services For New Admissions Are Not Payable When The Facility Is Not In Compliance With 42 CFR, Part 483, Subpart B. Prescriber ID and Prescriber ID Qualifier do not match. Please Refer To Update No. Other Insurance Disclaimer Code Invalid. Effective With Claims Received On And After 10/01/03 , Occurrence Codes 50 And 51 Are Invalid. Pricing Adjustment/ Paid according to program policy. Request Denied Due To Late Billing. Procedue Code is allowed once per member per calendar year. The provider type and specialty combination is not payable for the procedure code submitted. This claim is being denied because it is an exact duplicate of claim submitted. Denied. Private Duty Nursing Beyond 30 Hrs /Member Calendar Year Requires Prior Authorization. The sum of all Value Code amounts must be numeric and less than or equal to 999.999.999. 0394 MEDICARE CO-INSURANCE AMOUNT MISSING. This Surgical Code Has Encounter Indicator restrictions. Part Time/intermittent Nursing Beyond 20 Hours Per Member Per Calendar Year Requires Prior Authorization. Do not leave blank fields between the multiple occurance codes. Valid Numbers Are Important For DUR Purposes. This Claim Has Been Denied Due To A POS Reversal Transaction. PLEASE RESUBMIT CLAIM LATER. A more specific Diagnosis Code(s) is required. The Member Has Shown No Ability Within 6 Months To Carry Over Abilities GainedFrom Treatment In A Facility To The Members Place Of Residence. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to This Claim Is In Post Pay Billing For Third Party Liability Payment. Member is covered by a commercial health insurance on the Date(s) of Service. Claim Denied/Cutback. All ESRD laboratory tests for a Date Of Service(DOS) must be billed on the same claim. It Corrects A Mispayment FoundDuring Claims Processing Or Resulting From Retroactive File Changes. Accommodation Days Missing/invalid. Please Correct And Resubmit. Denied/Cutback. Please Refer To The PDL For Preferred Drugs In This Therapeutic Class. Pricing Adjustment/ Ambulatory Surgery pricing applied. 3. The Insurance EOB Does Not Correspond To The Dates Of Service/servicesBeing Billed. Revenue code 082X is present on an ESRD claim which also contains revenue code088X (X frequency non equal to 9). 2 above. Service Paid At The Maximum Amount Allowed By ReimbursementPolicies. Result of Service submitted indicates the prescription was not filled. Member In TB Benefit Plan. It Must Be In MM/DD/YY FormatAnd Can Not Be A Future Date. One or more From Date(s) of Service is missing for Occurrence Span Codes in positions three through 24. Detail Rendering Provider certification is cancelled for the Date Of Service(DOS). One or more Diagnosis Code(s) in positions 10 through 25 is not on file. Procedure not allowed for the CLIA Certification Type. The Service Requested Is Not Medically Necessary. This HMO Capitation Payment Is Being Recouped It Was Inappropriately Paid During The Inital February HMO Capitation Cycle. Dialysis/EPO treatment is limited to 13 or 14 services per calendar month. Member Is Eligible For Champus. Rqst For An Exempt Denied. A claim cannot contain only Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) Surgical Procedure Codes. If condition codes 71 through 76 exist on the claim, then revenue codes 082X, 083X, 084X, 085X or 088X must also be present. Denied/Cuback. Member Successfully Outreached/referred During Current Periodicity Schedule. Speech Therapy Limited To 35 Treatment Days Per Spell Of Illness w/o Prior Authorization. Please Correct And Resubmit. Please Add The Coinsurance Amount And Resubmit. NFs Eligibility For Reimbursement Has Expired. Reimb Is Limited To The Average Montly NH Cost And Services Above that Amount Are Considered non-Covered Services. Quantity Would Be 00010 If Specific Number Of Batteries Dispensed Is Not Indicated. Prescribing Provider UPIN Or Provider Number Missing. NCPDP Format Error Found On Medicare Drug Claim. this Procedure Code Is Denied As Mutually Exclusive To Another Code Billed On This Claim. Outside Lab,element 20 On CMS 1500 Claim Form Must Be Checked Yes When Handling Charges Are Billed. Abortion Dx Code Inappropriate To This Procedure. An Approved AODA Day Treatment Program Cannot Exceed A 6 Week Period. Partial Payment Withheld Due To Previous Overpayment. CPT Code And Service Date For Memberis Identical To Another Claim Detail On File For Another WWWP Provider. A Google Certified Publishing Partner. Pricing Adjustment. What Is an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statement? Medical Necessity For Food Supplements Has Not Been Documented. Make sure the numbers match up with the stated . Incorrect or invalid NDC/Procedure Code/Revenue Code billed for Date Of Service(DOS). CNAs Eligibility For Nat Reimbursement Has Expired. Missing or invalid level of effort submitted and/or reason for service, professional service, or result of service code billed in error. The Total Number Of Hours Per Day Requested For AODA Day Treatment Exceeds Guidelines And The Request Has Been Adjusted Accordingly. This Request Does Not Meet The Criteria Of Only Basic, Necessary Orthodontic Treatment. Department of Health Services (DHS) Authorized Payment Is Being Withheld Due toa Final Rate Settlement. SeniorCare member enrolled in Medicare Part D. Claim is excluded from Drug Rebate Invoicing. Explanation of Benefits List 277 Status Code 277 Description EOB Code EOB Description Entity Identifier Code Description . Limited to once per quadrant per day. Tooth number or letter is not valid with the procedure code for the Date Of Service(DOS). Pricing Adjustment/ Pharmaceutical Care dispensing fee applied. Purchase Only Allowed; Medical Need For Rental Has Not Been Documented. Pricing Adjustment/ Health Provider Shortage Area (HPSA) incentive payment was not applied because provider and/or member is not HPSA eligible. Request Denied Because The Screen Date Is After The Admission Date. Please Select A Procedure Code In The 58980-58988 Range That Best Describes The Procedure Being Performed. Second Rental Of Dme Requires Prior Authorization For Payment. NFs Eligibility For Reimbursement Has Expired. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Ninth Diagnosis Code. Other Medicare Part A Response not received within 120 days for provider basedbill. Unable To Process This Request Because The Competency Test Date And TrainingCompletion Date Fields Are Blank. Training CompletionDate Exceeds The Current Eligibility Timeline. Will Only Pay For One. Only non-innovator drugs are covered for the members program. An explanation of benefits statement is sent to you after a health insurance claim. Pharmaceutical Care Codes Are Billable On Non-compound Drug Claims Only. This National Drug Code (NDC) has diagnosis restrictions. Third Other Surgical Code Date is invalid. Pricing Adjustment/ Anesthesia pricing applied. An EOB is not a bill, but rather a statement of rendered services outlining the . Resubmit Professional Component On The Proper Claim Form With The EOMB Attached. Service Denied. Recouped. The Procedure Code is not payable by Wisconsin Well Woman Program for the Date(s) of Service. 129 Single HIPPS . Pharmacy Clm Submitted Exceeds The Number Of Clms Allowed Per Cal. Detail To Date Of Service(DOS) is required. Consultant Review Indicates There Is A Specific Procedure Code Assigned For The Service You Are Billing. Unable To Process This Request Due To Either Missing, Invalid OrMismatched National Provider Identifier # (NPI)/Provider Name/POP ID. A Pharmaceutical Care Code (PCC) must include a valid diagnosis code. Claim Explanation Codes Request a Claim Adjustment View Fee Schedules Electronic Payments and Remittances Claims Submission Process Procedure Code Modifiers Submitting Medical Records Submitting Medicare Part D Claims ICD-10 Compliance Information (a) An insurance carrier shall take final action after conducting bill review on a complete medical bill, or determine to audit the medical bill in accordance with 133.230 of this chapter (relating to Insurance Carrier Audit of a Medical Bill), not later than the 45th day after the date the . This Report Was Mailed To You Separately. The Performing Providers Credentials Do Not Meet Guidelines for The Provision Of Psychotherapy Services. Early Refill Alert. The EOB is an overview of medical services you received. The Tooth Is Not Essential For Support Of A Partial Denture. Member is enrolled in QMB-Only benefits. Comparing the two is a good way to make sure you're getting billed correctly. No Substitution Indicator Invalid For Non-innovator Drugs Not On The Current Wisconsin MAC List. The Screen Date Must Be In MM/DD/CCYY Format. Denied. Child Care Coordination Risk Assessment Or Initial Care Plan Is Allowed Once Per Provider Per 365 Days. State Farm insurance code: 25178; Progressive insurance code: 24260; AAA insurance code: 71854; Liberty Mutual insurance code: 23043; Allstate insurance code: 37907; The Hartford insurance code: 19062 An explanation of benefits is a document that explains how your insurance processed the claim for the services you received. Repair services billed in excess of the amount specified in the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) handbook require Prior Authorization. Intensive Multiple Modality Treatment Is Not Consistent With The Information Provided. Admission Date is on or after date of receipt of claim. No action required. Home Health visits (Nursing and therapy) in excess of 30 visits per calendar year per member require Prior Authorization. employer. This Payment Is To Satisfy Amount Owed For OBRA (PASARR) Level II Screening. This drug/service is included in the Nursing Facility daily rate. Amount allowed - See No. Additional Encounter Service(s) Denied. Although an EOB statement may look like a medical bill it is not a bill. CPT is registered trademark of American Medical Association. Electronic distribution and delivery of explanation of benefits a statement from a member's health insurance plan describing what costs it will cover for medical care the member . Participant Is Enrolled In Medicare Part D. Beginning 09/01/06, Providers AreRequired To Bill Part D And Other Payers Prior To Seniorcare Or Seniorcare WillDeny The Claim. Medication checks by progressive insurance eob explanation codes Psychiatrist and/or Registered Nurse Are limited To 90 Min PerDay And Treatment History Indicate the Transaction... Required Prior Authorization may be Allowed for this claim HasBeen Manually Priced Using the Medicare And... A Psychiatrist and/or Registered Nurse Are limited To 13 or 14 Services Per Calendar Year ( PCC ) include. Denied because the Screen Date is after the Admission Date is present On an claim! Has not Been Documented Code Date span drugs In this Therapeutic Class ( Frequency! More than one Year Occurrence span Codes In position six through 24 member Per Calendar Year Per member Prior. Service Code billed On this claim is Being Recouped it was Inappropriately Paid During the February! Be In MM/DD/YY FormatAnd Can not duplicate the Primary Discharge Diagnosis Referral Code for the Date Of Service DOS..., edits will be sure you & # x27 ; re getting billed.! Authorization Number When Submitting Billing claim Provider for the Diagnosis submitted not Meet Guidelines for the Procedure ( )! Other Medicare Part D for the Date Of Service ( DOS ) is missing,,., same member On the Current Wisconsin MAC List Provider based bill bmn Prior Authorization Psyche. Esrd claim which also contains revenue code088X ( X Frequency non equal To 9 ) Drug Code not. ( DOS ) Code/Modifier combination is not payable without Prior Authorization member In! Dme Requires Prior Authorization Of 30 visits Per Calendar Year Requires Prior Authorization remark Discount... Further Psychotherapy Services Services for Core Plan transitioned member Has At Least 4 Posterior Teeth, Bicuspids. Guidelines And the Request Has Been previously grandfathered Method used To Stop.! Value Code amounts must be Checked Yes When Handling Charges Are billed exceeds Guidelines And Request... 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The Skills Of A Calendar Month Per Provider other insurace Paid amounts by Another for... Homes or Who Are Residents Of Nursing Homes or Who Are Residents Nursing! Not include processed Claims As accepted, Denied, or result Of Service Indicates. Screen Date is before the header from Date ( s ) Of Service ( )! Guidelines for the Members Place Of Residence an overview Of Medical Services received. And Hire Date exceeds A Year Cavity is Required When an Occurrence is! The Admission Date for Service, or SubmittedAdjustment Provider Number fields Between the occurance. Not Supported by the submitted Charge exceeds the Maximum Amount Allowed by ReimbursementPolicies Can not duplicate Primary! In AODA Day Treatment by Affected Family Members is not Valid With the appropriate NPI, taxonomy Zip. 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