You will also start to make or save quite a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 as Jupiter goes through Taurus. I dont see a chart here so can only comment on your Sun sign or solar chart, but it is a good basic weather forecast for human life. You may feel like an outsider with this group (and actually be apart from it) or very much on the inside, but a collective goal has to be clearly seen, trusted, desired and understood. Youll see a global victory for women and girls begin in July 2023 when the South Node goes into Libra and back into its old Suffragette position. Thank you so much for your response Jessica. If you put good things in motion then, they will bear fruit in 2023, 2024. You are a Cancer Sun with Saturn about to enter your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries in March 2023. Rebirth and relaunch. I have to say, Ive seen some institutions replace in person care with with virtual zoom visits, and it frequently results in poor care for complicated patients. Ive been waiting around for the right time but it seems like theres never a safe time, but I cannot put my life on hold when its basically been here since March 2020. Nobody wants to feel that their patron is patronising them, though! You will make or save a lot of money, May 2023 to May 2024, if you take the opportunities. David Bowie, 8th January You owe or are owed. THE NEW UNIONS Your most restrictive, limiting financial cycle in 29 years ends in March. March is really important as you finish a long cycle of power plays, controlling people, manipulative organisations and highly political situations at work, with unpaid work or study. I am a Virgo Sun and Leo rising sign with a good amount of factors in Virgo and Libra. Its more likely that youll take the former option, though. On the plus side, UVC light works, and academics from Columbia University and Harvard Medical School have told us, repeatedly. Will they invade Taiwan? Thoughts on how to prepare for something worse than the first round of COVID? I wonder if you had the chance to read my comment, what you thought regarding my chart? I also have Jupiter in my 6th House until May 2023. On March 28, 2019, astrologer and psychic Jessica Adams posted a prediction on her website concerning a virus that would appear one year later and alter the world . Astrology cannot predict death, of course and never should but it does predict changes to the currency. The human condition is about faith and hope, and where these conditions exist together humans can change darkness into LIGHT. I have been a long time reader of your website and blogs and am worried about the virus rearing its head again as I lost my job in 2020 because of the effects on the travel industry. Thank you for your patience. Do remember, Leo is generous. Thank you and Happy New Year. Thank you AJ. A great many people born under your sign will get back together with their ex by 2023, and pursue both children and a home life together. Yes, it may do. I don't think Richi Sunak is as popular as they think as an alternative PM. I intend to talk to him in the new year about HEPA and UVC for prevention (we are already using a company that utilises UVC equipment to sanitise areas in our workplace after someone has had Covid in our environment) and mask wearing was made mandatory a few weeks ago. You may have moved on from these comments but Im wondering about my story. Will this occur with the new cryptocurrency? Thanks Julie. I do have traits of both signs in me, but which should I be reading on your website? Its very important to be discerning about the networks and circles you move in, and are surrounded by, in 2022. You give them courage and hope. Same story told twice, in the public and private chart. This is a Robin Hood year, Leo. The comfort of astrology? At around the same time we have the South Node entering Scorpio and your Eleventh House of groups, friends and frenemies. From March, the kinds of networks I am talking about will begin to cross your path. Personally, I think this is about trying to avoid a major recession, so profit over peoples health. They are here to transform travel and put serious brakes on Covid for the future! Especially around travelling to work as I commute to my job, in a different city to where I live so I am hoping I have made the right job choice. I was wondering what was your predictions in regards to the Australian political scene? Uranus in Taurus is also about a global economic revolution. Jessica thank you for these amazing predictions. Forbes confirmed it was found in the U.S. in September 2022. This is fascinating Jessica, Ive known intuitively that we werent done with COVID since 2020, always felt like the lessons humanity needed to learn to progress (more flexible working, changes to healthcare, Universal basic income and so forth) didnt quite land with everyone and there would be one more round to drag everyone over the line. Dear Jessica I think you are amazing, fascinating and so kind. Anyone like you who lives in Missouri, while Pluto is in Aquarius, should understand that collectively you can do anything. Please visit Twitter for the best coverage of current affairs through the imagery of 2022. I understand how incredibly busy you are so I appreciate if you take the time to respond. Thank you for your good wishes for other readers and myself; Happy New Year. I have learned SO, SO much from you and have started my own astrology business. Everything is potential, but everything is also possible far more than its been for years, Sagittarius. Jessica Adams. Yet this is the same time when youre talking about a potentially new Covid-related crisis emerging. Three generations is children, parents, grandparents. Many thanks. But the choice will be there. I would like to ask is 2023 a good year for me. Hi Jessica, thank you for sharing your new predictions. It depends on what you did 12 years ago. REUTERS/Diego Vara/File Photo. Astrologers believe this shows unfinished business from the past. Youll go more than once and in fact it may become part of your life. You will be offered a superior title, new look or label by May and probably take it. Of course, charity begins at home. A charity with a good cause behind it. 2022 and 2023 are really challenging, but 2024 will save us. Pluto will oppose my rising sign and then my North Node and Saturn will oppose a stellium in Virgo. You do have choices to make about the daughters here, as does he about your partnership, but dont try to rush an outcome, as the wheels will spin backwards and forwards until March. If your predictions for 2023 come to pass it doesnt look too bad, of course with the exception of your COVID prediction. If you want marriage to be a complete partnership on every level, thats Libra and the Seventh House. You all have to see it in your minds. Im a Cancer Sun, Gem Moon, Sag. If sex and money spell love to you, thats Scorpio and the Eighth House. Dear Jessica, thank you for the 2023 predictions- I hope your warning on the next (and worst) Covid outbreak is taken seriously by governments. That can happen on a double Jupiter and Chiron transit of Aries, your zodiac sign, as this unusual transit falls in your solar First House of image. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). Mars is action. Premium with Preview posts are exclusive member only content. Thank you, Jessica. Tina Turner, November 26th as it would be so nice to move on from the past & have a brighter year to look forward to in that respect. Have had a lonely time with both friendships and romantic partners. It makes for an important 12 months, particularly if you are in a marriage, or a professional partnership. One of our managers had already supplied our workplace with some hand held UVC devices before I started there and after reading one of your recent blogs regarding this (the day before I started in my new role!) Trees replaced abandoned farms and deserted villages. Its very similar to the cigarette companies in the 1990s. The scales will balance. Nobody has yet twigged that the answer to Covid is people power in a group, yet from March it becomes fashionable for schools in particular, and parents/teachers/children, to demand protection and create it, as one. Have you been following the catastrophic meltdown of Southwest Airlines in the American news over the last week? March 2023 is historic. We also see the end of petrol from 2026. Donald never did have one, but perhaps Mr. Desantis does. There are two wonderful cycles ahead which suggest the potential for existing sons or daughters, new babies, adopted children or stepchildren and a greater sense of home. Happy New Year Jessica! With Saturn in Aquarius in 2022 this is your chance to step up, look like the leader required, and shoulder some serious responsibility. We explain: Why 80% of consumers will see the world as digital and what they'll expect from you as a result. That will help. Other factors in your horoscope go forward through the 12 signs of the zodiac. Thank you for taking the time to respond and Happy New Year to you and your team! Where are you planted? A British-born astrologer, Jessica Adams, well known for her Covid-19 prediction back in 2019 as well as Donald Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis, has shared some thoughts regarding Prince Harry's . My family never went back to normal really. I feel really anxious about life right now and in March. I am hoping in the future to be able to buy my own home on a piece of land. You are quite right to wonder about Saturns opposition to your Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of workload, lifestyle and health. Take your time and do your research before you emigrate to New Zealand. I would rather live off-grid than that! Hi Jessica, I am a premium member and enjoy your articles so much. Psychic who forecast Covid says 2022 will see everything from a chicken soup recall to a female threat to the Labour leader and a miracle in Jerusalem. This holds in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. And what does all this achieve? That is rare. This cycle runs until May 2023. If you can make it all work, then amazing results will follow. 2023 will bring an engagement. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 9th January This is extremely unusual. You are doing the right thing wearing your N95 mask indoors. You have learned so much about friendship, real or fake, since 2008. When the Moon or planets join the South Node in Scorpio in your sector of groups, you are more likely to see outcomes. From May 2023 when Jupiter goes into Taurus and trines your Virgo and Capricorn stelliums you will find new opportunities to improve and expand your old way of thinking about paid work, unpaid work or study. You tend to find people who are over-the-top and too much, when Jupiter is in Aries in the Eleventh House of groups. I think your biggest issue has been the barriers, obstacles and barricades with friends, groups and your social life. Your love and affectionate relationships as well as professional projects might come under pressure. Just as they saw during the last cycle of Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, in 1350-1353 prices are rising. Sometimes foreign notions or beliefs can arise in your own country, of course. VIRGO Its rare to see Jupiter and Neptune, both in your opposite sign of Virgo in 2022. The long transit of Ceres in Gemini, in your sector of internet, publishing, education, academia and brainwaves will help. THE NEW UNITED NATIONS It transformed the 14th century world economy. Will there be supply chain issues again? Or at least bypass the pharmaceutical companies, cough, cough. This raises all sorts of issues which I will address in a moment. For Leo, you say its 3 generations sharing a lot of money. The Eighth House is about inheritance and legacy, and shared finances and property. The Black Death began near China (just as COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan). Position from birth chart Sun in Pisces, Moon in Leo, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Aquarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Leo, Neptune in Scorpio Pluto in Virgo, North Node in Scorpio. If you want to move overseas, you could emigrate by May, with Jupiters luck on your side. I read your predictions and Tarot Card on Libra. Let me see if I can find a reliable astrology chart for him. You are a Sun Libra with stelliums in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Virgo and Capricorn. Just thought this may possibly be in keeping with what you have said about breakthroughs with UVC. Nostradamus predicted that. The cycle ends in March 2023 when you will finally know where you stand. Working people vote, and vote with their feet, and their purses or wallets and yet I would say half the population has forgotten its own power. Earthquakes and Volcanoes: 2023 will be the year of geological unrest. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). I purchased my report for the 2023/ 2024 cycle. Im a Sun Taurus and a lot of my horoscopes are talking about an idea or two and taking things global I qualified in nails earlier this year and I was hoping to make a career out of that but due to my current financial situation, its not possible for me to do that just yet so I am hoping these predictions mean positive change is coming. Eventually evidence will be found of a cover-up by airlines, airports, cruise ships and politicians whereby it was very clear that infection transmission was taking place and being concealed. Hi Jessica, hope you are well & enjoyed the festive period. Chris Difford, November 4th Now, you are set free to make a new beginning, as from January 19th 2022 the North Node has gone and your solar chart this year looks busy. Then, they make their own predictions about nanotechnologies, U.S. politics, electric vehicles, and Bob Newhart. Thank you for your kind comments. The 30+ house systems divide the. In 2022 you are being urged, by your horoscope, to find the right country, city or large organisation for your idea. Aquarius is the sign of community, diversity and equality and for the first time in around 29 years, serious Saturn will be in Aquarius, making your mission solid. The message that angels have been relaying to psychics is that there is good news and bad news. Elvis Costello, August 25th Hello. 1. Many thanks for your predictions, Jessica. But, you are a Sun Pisces (you snuck in). The worst Covid crisis yet begins in March 2023. Sometimes there are two people involved, so typically, an ex-wife and a new girlfriend. Listen here. In October 2022 a lot of my friends on Twitter in Brazil celebrated his departure. When will a solution come. Psychic Debbie Griggs will talk about the up coming year and what spirits sees will come forward. So Im feeling stuck and fearful about my ability to make progress this year with the big things; work, health, social. But what stunning results. Serious decisions about serious money will follow. Ive been wishing and hoping to move for over a decade. You will also save or make money from May 2023 to May 2024 and that opens a few windows for you. I am flattered you have been a member since 2008. This is what you read three years before it happened . If this juggling sounds like you, and maybe younger people en masse are involved, then 2022 will be a stretch, but it could be so rewarding. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Pluto tests your self-control, your willpower and your personal power and influence. You have him taking you higher until 10th May then he is gone from your chart, not to return until 28th October. Mercury retrograde #2: in Gemini on May 10 and Taurus on June 2, 2022. It may be a simple question of tax money, gathered from the rich, and paid out to the poor (which might be you). The year of the Rabbit is dramatic, but how did astrology accurately predict 2022? Something that changes in March, as Pluto (power) goes into Aquarius (people) is within schools themselves. Or just working from home. Your public chart shows the biggest and best opportunities to have more, enjoy more and do more with property. You all deserve it. You need to see your elderly parents find out how other people are doing this (across the same distance) in a safer way. The psychic, who previously predicted the COVID pandemic and Meghan Markle's interview with Oprah, has made some pretty bold predictions for this upcoming year, so let's take a look at them. You can find them earlier than that, but it is March that shows you how influential you can all be together as parents, for example. My reading concerns me. Oh, Im sorry about that. Your shared vision of what might come is the key. All of her previous prediction blog posts as well as recent posts are on this site. Best Wishes, The Astrology Club Team. youre a wonderful astrologer and I follow your predictions with great interest. From that point, the nodes change signs and that means you are free to get the full measure of a concept which you can now take forward, and alter or begin to see the potential of something very new. Maybe both. . You can give yourself a reading for 2023 right away using the three card decks here. Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams Shares Her Predictions for 2023, You'd Be Wise to Take Note. Two big challenge years for us. These signs, together, have interesting challenges, changes and choices involving groups in 2022. Some psychics predict that Brussels will suffer a water-related tragedy in 2023. And so to your other son who says he is transgender. This is a signal for growth on the outside, so not just a new approach to your clothes and accessories, but also your shape and even your body language. The new, virtual you (in a virtual space). This meant supply shortages back then, and rationed food. You may be a student, scriptwriter, teacher, librarian, website author, publisher, academic and so on or just temporarily drawn into the world of worlds and ideas. What happens for you is personal. Your solar chart suggests you will need to use quite tight timing, as you decide if you are going to accompany your projects or qualifications, or send them out there, without you. As I am not having issues with weight (although I have been thinking about coming back to a more regular sports activity) and I already work from home, could it instead bring additional structure? Thank you so much for this and the Aquarius Factors post (which was spot on). Also having some issues with my children 10/10/04 and 31/01/06, the first has been struggling since COVID with anxiety and its affected his studies and drive, is there anything you can see as an end to that, also fit the second hes just come out to us as Trans, not an issue for his mother and I but I worry given the vitriol towards Male to Female transgender persons in particular. I have nothing in Aquarius so struggling to see anything about the weather for me even Saturn and groups.. Why? Thank you for confirming the Leo prediction. I am Taurean (born 24 April). A psychic who claims to have been close with Princess Diana believes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's marriage will stand the test of time. Or anything else of significance? Thank you TJ and I have just seen the story in the New York Post. Jessica Adams says: 26 May 2022 at 5:53 am. The new health care, reliant on Zoom, pharmacists/chemists in the drugstore and less on face-to-face doctor appointments, will be a way of life from March 2023 when Saturn begins his long opposition to the Virgo (health) factors of billions. WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SCOTLAND WIN Deborah. Thank you for this insightful look into 2023. This sector is really about words, images and ideas and its been 12 years since Jupiter was here. Read more about Premium Membership. Neptune and Jupiter are both in Pisces, your own zodiac sign, helping you to shine in 2022. This means you have more to give, more to share, and more to take. In China, they have everyone controlled by their technology so much so that whatever they do, the gov or the PTB knows about everything you do. A cluster of factors in Capricorn, your own sign. I would like to know the best way to find a well paid job in 2023. Your child being schooled at home is a good example. The United Nations is overdue for transformation, isnt it? If you want to move within your country, your chances are good until July when the South Node leaves Scorpio and your Fourth House of property, home and belonging. Your chart shows the Sun in Taurus you know about, and the stelliums in Taurus, Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn you always find draws you back to business, finance, property and success. Lets see when the United Kingdom and Australia follow suit: the combination of Zoom doctors and pharmacist/chemist/drugstore staff being the solution for so many. Call it your twelve-year big break. So, for example, if you invested in business colleagues or the business itself the last time Jupiter was in Taurus, that acorn now becomes an oak. Alan Turing, 23rd June This is now confirmed in January 2023. Mercury 13 Scorpio and South Node 13 Scorpio. This rather higgledy-piggledy progress with the planet of hope, growth and big answers, leaves you confused at times, Cancer. When he is much older, he will always feel secure and safe as he has a bedrock of solid success with having fixed his own anxiety. Some signs this year will find themselves in fated cycles with each other, this year. How can you make it all work? The problem is the Second Amendment and the astrological chart shows us Aries patterns (Aries rules guns) which suggest great fear, even paranoia, about being shot - and so guns become the defence. While no one can say what 2021 will look like for certain, ABC4 spoke with a few local intuitives and turned to the readings of renowned psychic Nostradamus to get a glimpse of how they think the year will play out. Baba Vanga, a visually-impaired 'psychic' from Bulgaria, passed away in 1996, but she had made predictions for the world till 5079, which is when she believed it all will end. The December 2022 rulings on men claiming to be women or girls, using female toilets and change rooms in Scotland, will be repealed, retracted and rewritten as this doomed verdict passed on Mercury Retrograde. In fact, it holds in 2023. Update yourself on (say) travel restrictions as the new variant of Covid takes hold. Elise. Do you see this for me? So its uncannily similar. New technology will be the handmaiden of a planet that does not unfairly burden some nations with rising sea levels, unbearable hot temperatures and so on. I published this on Twitter about a new variant in September 2022. This is an unforgettable year of people power, Pisces, and you will play a powerful part within that. Thank you for updating me on Canada. The virus migration on the Black Death astrology cycle, followed the sea and land trading routes of the time: The Silk Road. That Pluto-Node conjunction is also opposite the other node in Pisces, which rules religion, so it may be that your past life as a doctor or patient, also involved the church. Libra, those whose ideas are so different to your own, or those whose plans and projects seem to be at odds with you, potentially benefit you in 2022. In astrology, Aries rules the First House anyway, so this is a double whammy. The past 10 years I have spent on self work getting over work issues and health issues. im planning to immigration from Sep2016 but hard economic condtions keep limit my life n being young adult living in tier 3 country also another obstacle as my parent always nagging about complete Uni studies The worst phase of Covid is coming from March, but the solution to Covid is also here. Psychic John Cohan 's 35th year of predictions for me . Now we have to wait for politicians and businessmen to wake up. 2023 will be fascinating. Happy New Year! Dec. 31, 2021 3:15 AM PT. How brands will fight to regain control of the shopping experience and their souls. That way hell get free passage through life. This has been a long time coming, but you have paid your karmic dues, as since May 6th 2020 you have been stuck in a loop with the North Node in Gemini, in your solar Fifth House of parenthood but also any role with younger people at all. I have a cabinet full of N95s, also grabbing some pharmaceuticals as Ive noticed they are on short supply. I have been a member for some time & I absolutely love your articles & predictions. This rollercoaster with the world of books (this will have personal meaning for you) brings jaw-dropping highs. TAURUS You can listen now. Thank you. I signed up for premium as I wanted to to know more and have found the info you give fascinating. I cant imagine what that will even look like. Today we associate it with Zoom. The wise men and women. A psychic who can see romance written in the stars has predicted the best days to find love in 2022. Christopher Walken, March 31st. Watch at 35 minutes in. You have factors in the later degrees of Virgo in your Sixth House so it will take some time for Saturn in Pisces to oppose them, but astrology is about forewarned is forearmed. Minimise the issues now. Happy New Year. also I will have a court on 28 Feb, will I be satisfied from the result of that court? Transformation, isnt it ; t think Richi Sunak is as popular as they think as an PM..., city or large organisation for your good wishes for other readers and ;! 12 signs of the shopping experience and their souls Shares her predictions for 2023 psychic predictions for 2022 jessica adams 2024 pass doesnt., your willpower and your team to make or save a lot of money from May 2023 until 2023! Take your time and do more with property visit Twitter for the best coverage of affairs! 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