New beginnings are in order! It can be a time for beginning new relationships or redefining existing ones in significant ways. Something ends for something else to start anew. Take your time on this. Other areas include bonuses, commissions, royalties, child support, alimony, mortgages, loans and venture capital. Developing your identity or brand. Strike when the iron is hot or pass the opportunity on to another. Leo Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscopes: October 25, 2022. . On my Mars. Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. Total LUNAR Eclipse 2019 January 21 0:15:58 0 Leo 52, Total SOLAR Eclipse 2019 July 2 15:16:06 The Full Moon is when you look to external events or things get beyond your control. If youve been holding on too tightly to a relationship or a financial arrangement, this is a time for coming to terms with the dependency. Significant new responsibilities or approach to your responsibilities. With this eclipse occurring in your social sector, you become more acutely aware of your position in life within the context of the group, rather than through self-centered focus. The flickering lights of the Sun and Moon act like light bulbs, and as they turn on and off in an irregular fashion they can bring issues that have quietly existed in the shadows up until now out into the light of day. Occurring in your solar twelfth house of endings, mental health, privacy, and reflection, its a time for releasing, purging, and healing. Its another step in a process that alerts us to how were managing our resources and relationships and offers opportunities to improve. Its a time for working on yourself from the inside out, addressing dependencies and issues of support, and improving an intimate relationship. You are called upon to make a stand and to attend to your comfort levels. Joy, compromise, and connection are important ingredients in your success story with money, relationship, and power dynamics. If the 3rd-9th house axis is stimulated by this eclipse, issues surrounding learning and sharing knowledge will come to the fore. While eclipses fell in your third and ninth houses, you expanded your mind and consciousness; often, with eclipses in the second and eighth houses, you will turn to some kind of therapy or other intense, self-defining process, in an attempt to integrate your new concept of yourself. Eclipses in Ninth House One's own sense of worth is advanced when selfless humanitarian acts become a common practice or accepted as a natural decree of the universe. New plans and projects are on the horizon, but in the days surrounding an eclipse, its best to take things in before jumping into action. This Solar Eclipse clears the way for new beginnings, particularly related to your personal life or living conditions and arrangements. Its a good time to start new home-related projects as a way to utilize the extra energy in a constructive manner. 0 Cancer 21 that his/her efforts are being rewarded and as a display of success. Strong powers of attraction. The fifth house, ruled by the Sun, represents the soul and life essence; the areas in a person's life that brings them joy. Scorpio also teaches us that dedication to one meaningful relationship or undertaking can be significantly more satisfying than spreading ourselves around. This solar eclipse will take place in your 8th house. This Solar Eclipse launches a period of review, letting go, and recharging your spiritual or emotional batteries, dear Sagittarius. Solar Eclipses tend to get us to focus more on the "ME!" If 2 degrees Scorpio is in the eighth house of your birth chart, issues of sexuality and spirituality may be a stronger focus. For example, if your birthday occurs on or in the few days surrounding October 25th, its a particularly strong time for new beginnings. You are making a break from the past in some manner, helping clear the path for future growth and development. If youre at a party and go just a little bit over the top, you will likely be in good company, as this is a general time of celebration for all. Daily routines can change dramatically. Now, with the force of the Full Moon, were releasing bottled-up energy. Look for distinct opportunities to improve your intimate life and money situation. Youre attracting positive attention from others! This is a time for reinventing yourself in some personal way, such as with a new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself. Salaried employees and business owners may confront various difficulties at work. Drama or commotion stirred now paves the way for new approaches and new beginnings. For best results now, think about how you present yourself to others and greet the world, focus on changing personal habits in such a way as to improve your confidence, and concentrate on putting your best foot forward, as this is a time when you will get noticed and make a powerful impression on others. The psychological or inner response accentuates spiritual evolution and psychic development. Many people tend to fear eclipses, simply because they often bring about a crisis of sorts that leads to a significant event or change. The positive effects will ricochet back into your intimate life if you do so. Its an excellent time to concentrate on what we can do to increase our feelings of self-empowerment. [The Mean North Node moved into Taurus in December 2021, and the True Node moved into the sign in January 2022.]. You are called upon to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner rather than falling back on reason and intellect, which detaches you from your feelings. Over the coming weeks, circumstances seem to conspire to take charge of your health, private affairs, and need to put emotional baggage behind you. We may now need to take steps towards managing and handling our shared resources with others, our debts, or taxes more effectively. balancing your duties so that you perform better. It can be easy to get worried about health matters now, but moderation is the right response. Furthermore, it is not suggested to make any fresh investments during this period. Others at a similar degree occurred on November 8th, 1984, November 6th, 1976, and November 7th, 1957. Read more about the day of the eclipse on Astrology Cafe. Your personal magnetism is powerful. Eclipses in the eighth house are intense and bring on soul-searching. Full Moon in 2nd House Under a little more intensity than usual, its time to wrap things up financially, collect on projects that have come to fruition, and generally tie up loose ends. So, when the moon travels through it, your presence in social circles might take a back seatespecially because the emotions can be so potent. Joy, compromise, and gentleness are important ingredients in your success story with relationships at this time. Goals that involve networking, making connections with others, joining or strengthening ties in a group project or activity, and nurturing goodwill are the focus during this cycle that begins with this lunation. You could find youre becoming more effective at developing mental rapport with others, or its becoming easier to connect and get around. The period ahead is outstanding for focusing on issues of intimacy and sharing, as well as for developing self-mastery skills. New connections with others, a wider audience, or opportunities to share, promote, or publish. While you certainly feel a push to do something special, it comes pleasantly into your life. Coaching and Tutoring - Coaching and tutoring for astrology students and new . Depending on your current situation, the following are possible changes during this eclipse set (from November 2021 to October 2023): Depending on your current situation, the following are possible changes during this eclipse set (from November 2021 to October 2023): The seventh house represents an important one-to-one relationshipa marriage partner, significant other, business partner, or an adversary. Similar Solar Eclipses occurred on October 25, 2014, and October 24, 1995. If 2 degrees Scorpio is in the fifth, you will learn to let go of a fear of taking risks and develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear. The same goes for cleaning house in the workplace and starting off on a fresh footing. 11 Leo 37 The individual's motivation may depend upon his/her own level of growth attained to this stage of life. Developing a mental rapport with others, sharing ideas, and reaching out or pouring energies into your interests and studies can figure strongly and benefit you. The buzz about you comes in a rising crescendo that peaks now, so start figuring out ways to take it to the bank. In some cases, this is about transportation and could develop through an event that forces the issue! Recognizing your limitations in terms of how much you can give to others and how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. Meeting important people through these endeavors is possible. In the Pluto-ruled sign of Scorpio, there is now a powerful focus on matters related to intimacy, control, power, money, and sharing. This Solar Eclipse clears the way for new beginnings, particularly related to your personal life or living conditions and arrangements. Moving, renovating, or increasing your feelings of safety and comfort can figure strongly. This can be a time of a significant publishing, announcement, advancement, or new adventure, whether mental or physical. If you are in business, a writer, or the like, you might reach a wider audience. Emotions and realizations feel big. It can be worth risking upset to get at what you are really feeling and share it with those that matter the most. Too many things happening at once make it hard to keep track of things, but you cant afford to leave anything out. New Moon in 3rd House A flurry of activity for several days can have the phone ringing off the hook as new ideas and propositions that require either your opinion or your decision come your way. If this eclipse stimulates your 6th-12th house axis, issues of work and service, as well as health (both mental/spiritual, and physical), come into focus. The last series of eclipses along the Taurus-Scorpio axis occurred from November 2012 to October 2014, November 1993 to October 1995, May 1984 to April 1986, and May 1975 to November 1976. The more valid question is, "Do I like who I am?" This is a good time for focusing on some of the constructive traits of the sign of the Scorpionpassionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep, and perceptiveand consider how to positively incorporate these qualities into our lives. Well begun is half done, so be thoughtful, deliberate, and measured in your efforts, even though tempted or even encouraged not to be. Clearing up the clutter is necessary and beneficial now. Controlling addictions. 20 Cancer 41 On the other hand, if weve been keeping things to ourselves and avoiding leaning on others, now is the time to reach out and get the support we need. Once youve put on the finishing touches, youll be able to stand back and take pride in your accomplishments. You should enjoy more self-confidence, and the projection of a fresh new you is bound to attract attention in the coming months. Astrologers also look at the transits to the Lunation charts, particularly to the Moon. There can be a fine line between joyous adventure and risky behavior, however, so try to stay on the safe side of the line. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Changes and improvements may be necessary as you reorganize your personal life, or shuffle around your priorities. This eclipse can also bring on an urgent or sudden need/desire to express ourselves, whether verbally or through our actions, and a strong compulsion to resolve a problem. The individual may look for tangible evidence (pay increase, promotion, public publicity, etc.) A change of job or reshuffling of daily duties. The New Moon, or Conjunction, is used when you want to start something new or try to break some old patterns. It may be a time of withdrawal and retreat in a social sense, of soul-searching, and the seeking out of emotional peace of mind. Epiphanies are likely as we become acutely aware of our lack. Long-term changes are in the works! You want to take a leap of faith now. Time to finish yours, and test it. Overview. This Solar Eclipse falls in the sector of your solar chart that rules your spirit to grow, explore, and expand beyond the regular experiences in your life, dear Pisces. New equipment or transportation options may open up different opportunities and experiences. It can be a passionate time for you and a time when you feel especially motivatedeven drivento share yourself or your creations. However, used creatively, this can lead to new ways of organizing and arranging your personal space so it doesnt overlap that of others. An eclipse occurs close to the nodal axis, and this eclipse is closer to the South Node of the Moon. What makes you feel comfortable and secure needs to be balanced with attention to other peoples needs and comfort levels. Reducing work-related health hazards, whether physical or psychological, can positively affect one's overall productivity. An approach of disarming honesty can make you welcome in unexpected places and bring you valuable allies. The following interpretations come from the Day Watch report. The following horoscopes outline some of the ways this Solar Eclipse may affect the zodiac signs. 28 The time is right (and the pressure is on) to bring critical projects to a conclusion, put on finishing touches, and show the world just what youre all about. This eclipse is aligned with Venus and can be about starting fresh in your work or with health and self-care programs, sprouting from loving feelings and wonderful inspiration to make improvements. Significant new responsibilities or approach to your responsibilities. This is a time when you can be braver and enjoy new experiences. Moving, renovating, or increasing your feelings of safety and comfort can figure strongly. It can be empowering to now see where weve been attached to things that kept us from growing and feeling worthy, confident, and fulfilled. We are challenged to open up to the concept that changing, evolving, and transforming can be good for us, even if it means stepping a little outside of our comfort zone. On November 9th, 2003, a Lunar Eclipse fell in Taurus at approximately the same degree as the one occurring now in 2022. (This is true even if you're . Either of these situations pushes us to learn to depend on ourselves and recognize that we dont necessarily need these things to survive. 15 Sagittarius 34 Open covenants, openly arrived at, are the better part of honor. Scorpio A new professional or life-path direction. Transportation issues could be in focus, with new avenues opening up for getting out and about. With a Lunar Eclipse in the tenth house, you may need to review and change your career goals. Its best to allow this process to unfold as it will! Ease yourself into this dynamic phase of your life. moving house or reorganizing Its time to prioritize. This may be somewhat startling, as its rather different than what last month brought, and you will need to step up and display your self-confidence in a way that wasnt called on before. A fresh approach is encouraged. Handling problems related to debt, taxes, alimony, shared money (such as with a spouse). A balance of give and take is essential. A Lunar Eclipse is a more potent Full Moon, and its effects tend to last longer approximately six months. The affects are even more profound when it is a Total eclipse and/or occurs close to a natal planetary placement. This can be a crucial time for delegating, collaborating or calling on a team/help so that you have more time to focus on honing your craft or getting time for yourself. The crisis that these eclipses tend to elicit is a crisis of lacka time when we suddenly realize a great need or want. Setting realistic money goals, as well as formulating such things as budgets and other sensible financial planning projects, are especially favored during this time. On the other side of the coin, if dependencies have become burdensome or are limiting your growth, now is a great time to work on putting them behind you. Full Moon in 3rd House Dont everybody talk at once! The Eclipse's influence is one in which the individual realizes that personal potentials can be developed and expresses them more fully. When this axis is involved, issues of guilt, worry, and anxiety become the focus. This can be a crucial time for delegating, collaborating or calling on a team/help so that you have more time to focus on honing your craft or getting time for yourself. Its time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Activation of the material assets that may be shared with the marriage partner or business associates. Eclipse Horoscopes There is a big difference between asserting ourselves from a place of healthy confidence and asserting ourselves brashly and blindly, the latter giving us a false sense of confidence or bravery. This is a phase in which you are exceptionally busy with career or public responsibilities. With Venus in alignment with this eclipse, a relationship can be integral to your success with fresh starts in these areas of life. This is a great time for currying new acquaintances as the air of intensity makes for strong personal connections and breaks through the barriers of unfamiliarity. There can be a new beginning or approach regarding love, romance, creativity, children, fertility, entertainment, leisure, or hobbies. Circumstances may be such that we are pushed to recognize and consider others values rather than expect them to share the same perspective as us. The focus is on psychological development and spiritual growth. If this Lunar eclipse forms a conjunction (aligns with) a planet in your chart, you may feel its intensity more than others. It may seem quite urgent, but its a time when everything seems a bit more intense, so you may do well to stand back and take a second look before jumping in with both feet. If youd like an email reminder of my daily horoscopes, you can subscribe through Astrology Cafe. 4 Aquarius 45 Your comfort zones matter, and now is the time to take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of others. New Moon in 1st House This New Moon marks a time of personal beginnings, when you find yourself shot into the limelight and all eyes turn toward you to see what youre going to do next. Self-satisfaction is likely to be achieved through learning and teaching - not always in the areas of teaching in the professional sense, but teaching by outwardly articulating ideas and knowledge in conversation or in written form. Its a potentially magical time for pursuing your joy. Depending on your current situation, the following are possible changes during this eclipse set (from November 2021 to October 2023): 50 Note that the career can instead be responsibilities to the outside world or longer-term life path goals. This understanding can propel us into affirmative action, although there can be some initial level of chaos. Full Moons are always helpful for magnifying pre-existing problems so that we can see where to bring back balance. A sense of incompleteness encourages individuals to seek an equivalent in order to enhance self-esteem. I have a feeling this lunar eclipse . New communication projects or special interests Annular SOLAR Eclipse 2020 June 21 2:41:19 New Moon in 10th House New developments in career matters may have you quite wound up for a couple of days and the pressure to produce can be intense. During this time, you should pay special attention to your health because stomach problems are likely. For ALL signs: This Solar Eclipse is the fourth in a set of seven along the Taurus-Scorpio axis from November 2021 to October 2023. A push toward more involvement with others or the community. New Moon in 11th House Feelings run high among close friends and an intensity is available right now that can renew the love and passion that first fueled your relationships. Fortunately, aspects occurring around the time of this eclipse in your sign infuse it with wonderful character. With a Lunar (usually the opposite house) will also be impacted and could be considered to be a secondary area of crisis. Energy levels can plummet initially, and then theyre likely to rebuild slowly but surely later. Keep in mind that eclipses can feel draining before they build you up. The individual emphasizes activities and relationships that allow enjoyment and create happy feelings as a means to develop self-esteem. Youll also be working on establishing and centering yourself on an emotional level. During Solar Eclipse's influence, higher education, cultural expansion, and travel experiences play a part in the individual's exploration for wisdom and truth. It is typically through eleventh house relationships and experiences that charitable viewpoints develop. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, 2022, occurs when the Moon is at 16 degrees of Taurus, opposing the Sun at 16 degrees Scorpio, and is a TotalLunar Eclipse. You have the chance in the coming months to discover new or untapped resources on a financial level that can translate to a boost to your financial well-being. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire on us. Transits occurring at the time of the eclipse have more staying power than usual since they are tied in with the eclipse energy. While the eclipse can overstimulate confidence, youll get an exceptional sense of your capabilities and what is truly valuable to you in the weeks ahead. Striving toward a better work-rest balance. The issues have been brewing inside of us, and emotions have been building. Total SOLAR Eclipse 2021 December 4 2:42:51 at 12 Sagittarius 22, Partial SOLAR Eclipse 2022 April 30 16:27:54 at 10 Taurus A plan to pay better attention to rest, mental health, and downtime, Letting go of a situation or attitude that has been holding you back may be part of the process. There is a focus on how were growing and evolving, whether we need to clear the way for new projects and relationships or whether we might recommit to things we already have in place. Total LUNAR Eclipse 2018 July 27 16:20:15 New Moon in 7th House: This is a particularly ripe couple of days for finding a new partner or turning over a new leaf with an old partner. (8th house). This set of eclipses stirs the need to balance our lives between collecting and sharing, the simple and complicated, tangibles and emotional complexities. See also: How to interpret transits of the eclipses to the birth chart. There may be an important beginning or culmination in education. New deals are being struck behind the scenes with a strong sense of urgency, but they are not necessarily justified, so watch that you dont climb aboard the wrong bandwagon right now. Planets in a solar return 8th can make you quiver. Letting out your deeper expressions of feeling to another can make things especially intimate right now, but make sure you express yourself clearly and are not misunderstood. A partial Solar Eclipse occurs on October 25th, 2022, at 6:49 AM EDT at 2 degrees and 0 minutes of the sign of Scorpio. If you know your natal chart and where 2 degrees Scorpio is in your natal chart, here are the themes you might encounter now: If this eclipse stimulates your 1st-7th house axis, you are called upon to strike a balance between relationship and self. With a Solar Eclipse bringing powerful energy to your partnership sector, dear Taurus, youre in a strong position for new beginnings regarding your close relationships. A period of rest, withdrawal, or recuperation, self-directed or not. Quite often, people want to know, "How can I get him/her to like me?" These horoscopes come from my daily horoscopes. If youve been going it alone, this can also be an essential cycle for reaching out and finding the support you need. The perfect time to feel at home with someone, either literally or figuratively. It fairly bursts forth with energy. Expanding your social circle is bound to grow your happiness and satisfaction due to an alignment of Venus with this eclipse. The areas of life activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. On the other side of the coin, if dependencies have become burdensome or are limiting your growth, now is a great time to work on putting them behind you. //-->. Consider that this eclipse is part of a set occurring from November 2021 to October 2023 that encourages you to understand your needs to attend to your responsibilities to the outside world and your inner world, family, and personal life. Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse 2023 May 5 13:33:50 at 14 Scorpio 58, Annular SOLAR Eclipse 2023 October 14 13:54:56 at 21 Libra New topics of interest or belief systems that you find absorbing, Do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you. The projection of a significant publishing, announcement, advancement, or taxes more effectively, commissions, royalties child! Activated by the eclipse energy, it comes pleasantly into your intimate and. Reducing work-related health hazards, whether physical or psychological, can positively affect one 's productivity! Feelings as a means to develop self-esteem leap of faith now 's motivation may depend upon his/her own level growth... 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