PulseX's last market cap was unknown. Company Contact Address/Phone, CEO/President, and Company Description. In fact, each time a user uses the DEX PulseX to trade cryptos, they pay a fee. PulseChain (PLS) token information and tracker. An estimated 2,387,391 ether have been moved out from a, If Heart does control all assets in the Origin, Flush, and other Hex wallets listed above, Heart could. We don't have that detail yet though. Combined, sacrificers to these two projects have locked up $11 billion worth of Hexs notional supply. If you are experiencing symptoms of any medical condition, you should seek the advice of your licensed healthcare provider immediately. Unlike most launches that reward early adopters, Hex rewarded latecomers with an even allocation of Hex by day. 2023 PulseListings.com - All Rights Reserved. . Shift: Nights | 3x 12hrs | 36hrs/Week. An array containing the addresses of our friends and relatives that will inherit the Ethers. No admin keys. Like many dubious crypto leaders, Hex creator Richard Heart has amassed a cult of personality through outrageous videos and gaudy displays of wealth. Do you know what Im saying?, Heart replied, No? Im selling something for it, aint I?, In another conversation with Eric Wall, Richard outlined a scheme even more explicitly. pulsechain-testnet. This fee increase is because the blocks on the Ethereum blockchain are constantly full due to the increasing demand by all Ethereum-based Dapps. 100% Polyester shoulder strap for easy transport. When users swap from one coin to another on PulseX, liquidity providers earn fees as a reward. Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. Let's all win together! We do not yet have the snapshot date, but any investments made before the snapshot data are duplicated on the new PulseChain. (Specifically Ether, BNB, MATIC, and the rest of the tokens listed when you select these chains on pulsex.info). PulseX will use its own token, PLX. The Pulse GL76 features a sturdy titanium gray metal armor and futuristic design. It also includes links to the Industry, Sector, and Index in which the stock belongs: the SIC or the Standard Industrial Classification code . 15 Commits. Crypto Weekly Review alleges that the controller(s) of those 36 wallets used these elite allocations to manipulate Hexs spot price so that it matched the Adoption Amplifiers price for Hex an accusation that Protos has not yet been able to corroborate. Coinciding with the creation of his blockchain, Heart raised $27 million for charity. records up to. The current circulating supply is 0 PULSE. It currently holds over $11 million (268 million Hex). 76% of all trading fees could be distributed to Liquidity Providers. The pulse chain is the Ethereum fork, and PuleX is the main DEX. An airdrop is free tokens sent to your address in exchange for a service. The Contract Address 0xba2ae424d960c26247dd6c32edc70b295c744c43 page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract . Contract Address. Job Details. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Lowest swap fees. Latest 25 from a total of 19,297 transactions. MIAMI, Jan. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Announcing PulseX (PLSX), an exchange for PulseChain and Uniswap fork. This represents a 0.10% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 12.50% price increase in the past 7 days. Its quite simple. In order to get financially involved in Hearts two new projects, Heart asked users to sacrifice tokens of monetary value like Ethereum, stablecoins and, critically, Hex. Step 3) Go to Pulse.info or Pulsechain.com. Inversely, USD 1.00 would allow you to trade for 0.0032 PLSX, while USD 50.00 would convert to 0.1603 PLSX, not including platform or gas fees.PulseMarkets price today is $0.020521035006, with a 24-hour trading volume of $3.04.The total maximum supply of the PULSE tokens is 100 million. We have recently seen a spike in GAS prices on Ethereum mainnet transactions with fees of up to several hundred dollars for simple transactions. Uniswap fork for PulseChain. Pulse Listings and PulseX Tokens and PulseChain Richard Heart Projects. And this came four months after the half-billion dollar sacrifice to Pulse Chain. This is the future of accessible healthcare providing a safe and secure online consultation. S-PULSE NFT COLLECTION 2023 NFTVeryLongAnimals! The name of this new blockchain is PulseChain. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 0 Tags. However, so far, there is no sign that PulseX is a scam. It has a market cap rank of unknown. For comparison, Ethereum has a market cap of $200 billion and over $27 billion worth of Ethereum traded today. I'm very new to all this. For more informed news, follow us on Twitter and Google News or listen to our investigative podcast Innovated: Blockchain City. Neither PEMF systems nor PEMF accessories diagnose, treat or cure any diseases, illnesses, medical conditions, or injuries. This CREATE2 depends on the sender address and code of contracts to create a smart contract . It matters more. On PulseX, the fee is 0.25%: Of these fees, 0.17% goes directly to reward users who participate in Liquidity Pools. HEX.COM is the world's first Blockchain CD, airdropped for free to Bitcoin holders. In the root directory, create a folder called scripts and inside a file called deploy.js. Get up to 30 ETH Bonus and 10 free spins.1,000+ Casino Games & 40,000 Sports! If you require immediate assistance: (888) 952-7030. warranty@pulsepemf.com. 0.01% of a trade's value goes to an address you must have no expectations of. InpulseX is an ambitious project created to offer unwavering support to the biggest mission of humankind, which is to become a multiplanetary species.. In old hacker slang, 1337 means elite.. These prices should theoretically decrease when all dapps are merged to Ethereum 2.0, although there is no guarantee. The price increased by 3.84% in the last 24 hours. We don't have that detail yet though. Why did PulseX (PLSX) make such a noise in the crypto world? Congratulations to all you #HEXicans with #5555 club https://t.co/mLZsmWqXG0 tattoos. An estimated 2,387,391 ether have been moved out from a suspected Flush address in a series of transactions that began on December 12, 2019 and ended on January 27, 2021. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. . If you are not going to sacrifice ETH, it is still important to have some ETH in your wallet to pay the gas fee. On the SUSHI-USDT (Binance) chart, we see it falling to a low of $0.485 and rising to a high of $23.46. to be first to know all tricks and updates, Export The Flush address receives Hex tokens from a smart contract function involving late penalties. PulseX (PLSX) ERC20 Token in Ethereum Mainnet. View the account balance, transactions, and other data for 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 on the PulseChain Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base. The InpulseX ecosystem is taking the lead within the blockchain community, bringing awareness and raising financial resources to help write this exciting new chapter. Email Address: [email protected] PulseX (PLSX) PulseChain (PLS) HEX (HEX) Hedron (HDRN) DecentralizeX (DTX) PulsePad (PLSPAD) DAXE Multichain (DAXE) CULT.DAO (CULT) . Learn more about addresses in our, Private Name Tags (up to 35 characters) can be used for easy identification of addresses. Users are able to send their tokens to specific addresses held by the foundation. Early on, participants obtained Hex by sending Ethereum to a recurring daily auction called the Adoption Amplifier. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Each transaction sent exactly 1,337 Ethereum (approximately $192,000 apiece at the time). Lets pretend you launched a coin, and you raised money. 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