

Cherry Hill Beach, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia



Creative Writing Workshops, Getaways, Courses, Retreats Programme details and prices

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Creative Holidays Nova Scotia

These workshops combine the unspoiled beauty and history of Nova Scotia, with Creative Writing Courses for intermediate and beginning  writers.
They are acknowledged by former students, now published authors, as significant contributors to their success.
Enjoy the collegial atmosphere of a writing group led by an instructor with twenty years of experience.  Work with your group to discover the writer within you and explore with them your creative abilities. 

Indulge yourself.  Release your creative juices in one of the most inspiring places in the world.  Twenty years ago, statistics showed that there were more practising artists, per capita, on the South Shore of Nova Scotia than anywhere else in the world.
What is it about this area that is so inspiring?  And why do so many authors and artists make the South Shore of Nova Scotia their home?
We don't have the answers but, as artists and writers ourselves, we do know it to be true.  Come and experience this magic for yourself. Enjoy the salt-sea air, the natural beauty and the slower pace of life. Stand on the breathtaking deserted beaches, wishing (or glad) you'd brought your notebook or sketch pad, with only the piping plovers and whooping gulls for company.
Explore the heritage and history of boat builders, privateers and rumrunners.  Wonder about the lore of the sea and its power and meet people whose resilience is a direct result.
Our creative writing workshops are the catalysts  enabling you to do just that. Under the expert tuition of Russ Barton you will enjoy learning to become a writer.  You can make friends with like-minded people.  You will have the opportunities to get out and about and discover the area. 

It is also a lot of fun.

Take a break.  Come and discover for yourself.
For Workshops, Getaways, Courses, Retreats
Programme details and prices.
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