

Cherry Hill Beach, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia



Creative Writing Workshops, Getaways, Courses, Retreats Programme details and prices

The People
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The People

Russell Barton
Course Director

Russell taught Creative Fiction Writing to beginning and intermediate writers for ten years at Algonquin College, Ottawa, Ontario, and for three at the Nova Scotia Community College. Through Creative Holidays Nova Scotia, he leads a number of popular summer workshops in Liverpool NS.  They focus on issues dealing with understanding and exploiting first draft creativity and techniques for refining later drafts.  This is Russell’s sixth year directing these workshops.  He also teaches 30 hour courses (3 hours per week per course) in Halifax and Dartmouth during the fall and winter.

His curriculum covers the basics and is built on needs expressed by students, a number of whom have gone on to publish full length novels. Russell has written The Way of The Story, a two-part textbook, that students find easy to understand and insightful.  His good sense of humour and consideration for the sensibilities of each student contribute to a fun-filled learning experience that will change the way you write, read and appreciate literature. 

Russell is currently working on a novel, The Lemon Squeezer, the story of a boy raised during WW11 and how he copes with growing up to become a member of a civilized community in a world that is waging war.  A chapter from The Lemon Squeezer called Heroes Until was awarded a prize in the 2006 WFNS Atlantic Writing Competition Short story category and was published in May 2007 by Vagrant Press.

Russ's additional writing credits include thirty years as a public servant writing speeches and briefing notes for MPs and Cabinet Ministers and reports for Parliament on Multiculturalism

"Everyone is capable of creating good fiction.  My courses speed up the journey to excellence," says Russ.  He is a member of the Nova Scotia Writers’ Federation.

Aah... now we have another photo of Russell...
July 2004 'Writing the Historical Novel' - Russell enjoying French Apple Tart at the Queens County Museum.


Susan Borgersen 
Company Facilitator

Susan Borgersen, artist/writer
Susan  in her art studio, Glorious Mud.
photo courtesy of S. Corkum-Greek, Lighthouse Publishing

Susan is a visual artist/writer with a background in business strategy.  She has embraced the South Shore of Nova Scotia, making it her home and inspiration for the past 20 years.  Her writing appears in A Drop in the Ocean a collection of short stories from Nova Scotia, Life, an award winning collection of poems and The Beach, poetry written on Cherry Hill Beach Lunenburg County.   Susan lives with her husband Arne and four dogs on the lighthouse route in Queens County Nova Scotia.

In November 2006 and 2008, Susan participated in National Novel Writing Month - which challenges over 70,000 writers around the world to write a novel in the 30 days of November.  Susan achieved the goal on both occasions and is now busy researching, editing, and rewriting the first draft of her novel Stones while her first murder/mystery, Hens' Teeth, is on hold.

Susan is your first point of contact when making your programme selection.  She will ensure that your individual needs are provided for, custom design getaways for you or your group and be your host during your stay.

Susan in red hat.  A good shot for the next book jacket?  Photo courtesy of Jane Beaumont