Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada


Webmaster's note: After researching this recipe from the source, I learned that the broth that is left in the pot after steaming the clams is called clam liquor. That term is used below.

24 fresh clams in shell, steamed, save liquor
2 C. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 C. milk
1/2 C. clam liquor
2  eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 tsp celery salt or garlic salt
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Steam clams until shells are partially open, reserve clam liquor. Combine all other ingredients (including the clam liquor) to make a batter. Chop the clams coarsely, add them to the batter and drop by tablespoonfuls into deep fat heated to 375 degrees F. (190 degrees C.). Turn frequently until browned on all sides. Drain on paper towels. Sufficient for six servings.

Submitted by John Donaldson, March 5, 1997

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Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada


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