Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada

Molasses Brown Bread

1 1/2 cup rolled Oats
2      " boiling water
1/2 tbsp salt
1    "   shortening
1    "   yeast dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water
2/3 cup  molasses
4 to 5   cups  wheat flour

Add boiling water to oats, salt and shortening. let stand till warm, stir occassionally, add molasses, yeast, and 1 cup flour. Beat well, till mixed..Than add about 4 cups flour. Knead till elastic like. let rise in greased bowl 1 hour or till double in size.

Punch down..rool into loaves...puty in pans and let rise again until double in size...

Bake in 350 oven till it sounds hollow when tapped with a wooden spoon.

Cover top with butter, and cover with a towel till cool if you prefer a softer crust..

Submitted by Donna Schnare September 16, 1997

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Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada


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